Part II. OF TilE FIGURES OF A SENTENCE IN LoGISM; 203 denoting their partaking together of the Joys of He;!Ven. Johlt i. 10. 'Ihe World was made by him, and the World knew htm not: The former !'Porld notes the whole Un•– verfe. the latter Unbelievers, &c. fee John u. 23, 24. and 1v. 31, 32, 34· Ro;a. u. 2 6, 2 S, 29. Rom. iii. 21. 27· vii. 2~· and ix. 6.. they are n~t alllfrael which are oj If– rael, that is, all who are born of lfrael, accordmg to the Fleih, are not true fpmtual !Jraelites, Rom. xii. r3, 14- where there is an Antanaclqjis in the Verb J•wxm. 2Con xi. 24. the fir£! Breaking is taken properly; the fecond Breaking metaphorim!ly, for the Paffion of Chrift, as Luke xxii. I9· See !fa. xxx. I3, &c. and I Cor. xv. 28. Matt. v. 19. Whofoever jhall break one of thefe lealt Commandmenl'S, jhall be called leaf!: in the Kingdom of Heaven: the fir£! (leajf) exprctfes the Senfe of the Pharifees, who efteemed fome of the Precepts of Chri£! amongft the leaft; the fecond (leaft) alluding to the former, fignifies the f.1me with none, or 11ot at all, viz. he Jhall be no11e in the Kinadom, or he !hall not enter there at all. Matt. xviii. I. 'l'he Difcip/es fay unto Jefus, who is the greatejf in the Kingdom of Heaven: The fir£! Word greatejf, in the Senfe of the Difciples, fignifies him that hath Pre·eminence over others; the fecond greatejf, alluding to the former, de– notes a Participation of the Kingdom of God, without RefpeCl: to Inferiors; the Senfe is whofoever humbles himfelf, !hall enjoy his Part in the Kingdom of Heaven. ' Matt. xix. I6. Theyoung Man faith unto Chri£!, good Mafler, &c. Verfe 17. Chrift anfwers, Wby ea/left thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: The firfl: good, denotes any Goodnefs communicated to the Creature by. the Lord, fuch as may be found in a meer Man (for fuch the young Man jUdged Chn£! to have;) the latter Good alluding to the jirjf, expretfes the etfential Goodnefs of God, who is the Foun• tain and Original of all Good in the Creature : The Senfe therefore of the Words of Chrilt, is, either call me not good, or believe me to be the true God, and 0'"'~pw,.-& God-Man. See John iv. 31. and vi. 28. Ails xxvi. 28. Sometimes there happens an Ellipfis in this FigLire, the latter being under£tood by the former, as Joel ii. I3· R end your Hearts, and not your Garments; here is a double Propofition : I. Rendyour Hearts. 2. R end your Garments, the fir!l is metaphorical; the other proper. C H A P. IV. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Logifm. WHAT thefe are we have before defined: They are di£tinguifhed thus ; (I .) Such as are in Logifm, or in a Sentence without Collocution, or talking together. (2.) Such as are in Dialogifm, or by Way of Dialogue, or mutual Conference•. There are fi vc of the fir£! Sort, viz. I EY.~w'""''' Exclamation, is a pathetical Figure, whereby the Speaker expretfes the Paffion, or vehement Ardor of his Mind, by various InterjeCtions expretfed or under– flood, to move the AffeCl:ions and Minds of thofe he fpeaks to; 0! Alas! Behold ! are S1gns of it; this Figure is made in Scripture: r. In a vVay ofAdmiration, Pfal.lxxxiv. r. How amiable are tby <J"abernac/es, OLord of Hofls ! Pfa!. cxxxiii. r. Behold, how good, and how pleafant (it is) for Brethren to dwell together ill Unity! Rom. xi. 33· 0 the D epths of the R iches, and of the Wifd•m, and of the Knowledge of God! How unfearchable (are) his Judgments, and his Ways are pajf finding out 1 fee Pfal. viii. r. and cxliv. 15. 2. In a Way of Wifhing or Praying, r Chron. xi. 17. 0 that one wouldgive me Drink of the Water of the Well of Bethlehem, which is at the Gate! Pfal. xiv. 7· 0 that the Sa/vatton of lfrael were come out oJSion! See Pfal. xlii. 2. !Ja. lxiv. 1. Rom. vii. 240 wretcf;ed Man that I am, whojhall deliver me from the Body of this Death! See Gql. ·,. I2 . Job vi. 8. Pfal. lv. 6. 3· ln Praife, Matt. xv. 28. OWomangreat is thy Faith! Matt. xxv. 21, 23. Well done good and faithful Servant ! 4· In a Way of Sorrow, and Complaint, Pfal. xxii. 1. Matt. xxvii. 46. .Mj God, my God, wby haft thou forfaken me! !fa. vi. 5· Wo is me, for I am undone! 5· In