OF' THE FrcuRES oF A SENTENCE iN LocrsM, Book I. 5· In a Way of Commiferation or Pity, Jojh. vii. 7' Alas(' 0 Lord God, wherefore at all haft thou brought thzs People over Jordan, to deliver us znto the Hand of the Amorire, to dejlroy us! E~ek. IX. 8. Ah Lord God, wzft.'hou dejlroy all the Rejidue of Ifrael, in thy pounng out thy htry upon Jerufalem! Luktxlll. 34· Lam. 1. '· 6. ln a Way of Indignation, Detejlation, and Reproof, Ifa. i. 4· lVo to thejinfulNa– tion, a People laden with Iniquity, a Seed of Evil-doers, &c. Ezek. xvi. 23. JVo, wo unto thee,faitbthe Lord God, &c. See Matt . xi. 21. and xvii. ' 7· Luke xxiv. 25. Jer. xhv. 4· Afls XIII. 10. 0 full of all Subttlty and Mifchief, thou Child of the De·vil, thou Enemy of all Righteoufnefs, wilt thou not ceafe to pervert the rigbt Wa)'S of the L ord ? Afls vii. 5 1. Ram. ix . 20. 7· In a Way of Joy, and Exultation, as Pfal. lvii. 7· and cxxxv. 21 . Bleffed be the L ord oz(l of Sion, which dwelleth at Jerufalem, Hallelujah, that is, praife ye the Lord. See I Cor. xv. 55· 8. In a Way of Obfea·ation or Befeeching, Pfal. cxviii. 25. Save now, I befeecb thee 0 L ord ; 0 Lord, I befeech thee, fend now Profperity! Rev. xxii. 20. 9· In a Way of Reprehenjion, Gal. iii. r. 0 foolijh Galatians, who bath bewitched ;•ou I &c. See Afls vii. 51, 52. IO. In a Way of Derijion, Matt. xv. 29. Of Fear, 1 'rim. vi. 11, &c. Epiphonema (""w'"f'o~) lignifies Acclamation, and is wont to be fubjoined to an Ex– clamation, as a certain Species of it. It is a little Claufc or apt Sentence added afrer the Thing is expounded, exhibiting a certain Emphpjis (and ;.,,wff~<) briefly and concifely, as Pfal. ii. I2. and iii. 8. Matt, xxii. q. Luke x. 30. Afls xix. 20. Matt. xix. 27. Mark vii. 37· &c. II. E,-cme&w••;, Epanorfbojis, CorreCtion or Amending, is the Reinforcement of the C!aufe ]aft uttered, by what follows, or a re-calling of what one faid, to correCt it. It is ftated in a threefold Manner; r. When that which is faid is wholly difowned, and correCted by a more apt, more proper, and lignificant Expreillon: as Mark ix. 24. when the Father of the Child that was poffeffed with a dumb Spirit, faid, Lord, I belie·ve, but recolleCting himfelf and con– felling his In~rmity, immediately fubjoins, help tbou mine Unbelief. j ohn xii. 27· Chrift prays to be faved from Death, Father fave me from this Hour; yet immediarely cor– reCting that Prayer, which !hew's the Realiry of his lwman Nature, that prompted him toexprefs himfelf fo, he adds, But for thisCaufe came I unto this Hour, feeMatt. xxvi. 29. Rom. xiv. 4 Who art thou thatjudgejl another Man's Servant? t• his own M after beftand– eth or fallet/J: as if he had faid, There is but one Lord of all, Chrifl J efus: To him he ftands, if he be firm in Fairh; to him he falls if he fins, as thou fufpeEteft: He :has the Prerogative and Power of judging in himfelf, but thou haft not, &c. And whereas he had made mention of his Fall, he immediately adds the Correction, He jha/1 be beld up, for God is able to make bim ftand; 'that is, to clear up all Sufpicion of Evil. 2. So in thofe Phrafes where the Denial of the Affirmative is fubjoined, where ne– verthelefs the Denial is to be underftood comparatively, or refpeEtively, as 'John xvi. 32-· re- jhal!leave me alone; the Epanorthojis,the Figure we fpeak of, follows, and yet I am not alone., becaufe the Father is with me : Chrift was alo'ne, with RefpeEt to Men, but not wirh RefpeEt to God. I Cor. vii. ro. !Iut to the Married I command,- rhe Cor– reCtion follows, Yet not I, but the Lord. Both commanded, the Lord principalry, as the fovereign Law-giver, and Paul, as the Servant and Minifter. I Cor. xv. ro. I labottr– ed more abundantry thar~ they all ; the Apoftle fubjoins a CorreCtion, left it fhould favor of Arrogancy, in afcribing that to himfelf, which was the Work of God,-yet not I, but the Grare ofGod, which was with me. He was fet on work by Divine Grace, which was the primary Caufe of all his L abor and Succefs. Gal. ii. 20. I live, yet not 1, but Chri}l liveth in me: He fpeaks of fpiritual Life, which he attributes not to himfelf~ but to Cluift the Prince of Life, as the fupreme Author and Caufe of it : See Gal. r. 6,&c. Prov. vi. I6. Rom. viii. 34- Gal. iv. 9· 2 'rim. iv. 8. 1Johll ii. 2. . 3· When apofiti-ve and ojfirmative Antecedent is correCted by the Particle if(whtch is very familiar and frequent in Cicero's Writings.) as Gai. iii. 4· Have ye jiiffered fo many 'J'hings in vain? if it be yet in vain: As if he had faid, ye have not only fuffered in vain, but with Lofs and Detriment alfo, &c. Ill. A.-off•w""~.;, Apo}iopejis, Reticentia, a holding one's Peace, derived from ~,., fron> and v•w,..~w obticeo, to befilent, is, when the Courfe of the Speech is fo abrupt or brokeffn 0 ,