Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part II. OF THE FrGuRES OF A SENTENCE IN toC"IsM; Examples you may read, Jer. xlix. ro, I I, I4: Pfal. ii. ~·.. lxxxii. 8, 9· and lxxxi]{. 3· Eccl. iv. I. Prov. xxi1i. 35· IJa. xiv. I6. XXII. '3· XXXIII. r8. lVJ. I2. and lvlll. 3· Jer. iii. I7· vi. 4, ?• 6. viii. '4' xi. 19. xx. 10. xxx. '7· and xxxi. 3· Lam, iii. 42. and ii. '5· Micah i1. 1 I. Afts i. 4• 5· xv. 5· and xv11. 3· r Cor. xv. 32. Col. 11. 2 I, &c. 5· There is a connex Mimejis in a Dialogifm, or the Difcourfe of two or more; as Pfal. cxviii. 19, &c. which is an eminent Example of this, and is thus expounded by Junius, ParalL r, 37· ' Open to me, (fays the godly Man) the Gates of Rzghteoufnejs, • being entered at them, I will praije (]ah) the Lord; to this Petition an Anfwer 1s • annexed, as 1f the Church, who IS the Mother, were teachmg her Children th.e ' Caufes or 'Nays of Salvation,- Verfe 20. '!'his is the Gate of the Lord, into which ' the Righteous Jha!! enter, viz. Chrift, who is the Way, the 'l'ruth, and Life. This 'Entrance being fhewn or expounded, the Godly congratulate, faying, Verfe 21. • I will praife thee, &c. as if they had faid, When we behold this Entrance which the ' Lord has opened, we cannot but praife and admire the Greatnefs of his Pavor and ' Goodnefs ; efpecially when we confider, that all good Things beftowed upon Man– ' kind, proceed from the Benignity of the Deity, though unthought of by them. ' Pray therefore what is this Gate? Verfe 22. '!'he Stone which the Builders refufed, is ' become the* head Stone of the Corner, (that is, not only the Support of the Building, ' but what gives Entrance into it,) which, Verfe 23. is the Lord's doilzg, and exceeds ' the Capacity of human Art, or Underftanding. But when will this be? Verfe 24. ' '!'his is the Day which tbe Lord bath made, not by conftant Labor or Artifice. ' Therefore it is juft, that we fhould place all our Joy and Comfort iri him alone, • and in an affured Confidence of our Deliverance proclaim his Glory, becaufe he ' hath vouchfafed us fo glorious a Redemption: Verfe 25. Save now, I befeech thee, 0 • Lord, &c. that is, grant full Salvation to the Members of thy Church, and profper • the 'Nays of thine Anointed, whom we celebrate with this joyful Acclamation: • Verfe 26. Blef!ed be he that cometh in the Name of the Lord: Not only in himfelf, or ' in his own Perfon, but tra~sfuGng Divine BenediCtion by the Voice of the Gofpel • into thofe who believe in his Word, faying, We have blef!ed you out of the Houfe of the ' Lord; that is, from Heaven, or the higheft Places, as the Houte of the Lord is ' frequently called in Scripture.' To this we may refer the whole Book of Canticles, which is a continued Dialogifm, or Dialogue; and the 63d Chapter of Ifaiah, wherein thece is a Confecence between Chrifl and his Church, refpeCl:ing the glorious Triumph ofChrifl over Death and Suffer– ing, manifetted in his RefurreCl:ion. See alfo Jer. xlvii. 6, 7· [So much of the Speaking of a real Perfon.] . . 6. Speech is alfo attributed to a mute or inanimate Thing; as Judges ix. 8. and the following Verfes, where 'l'rees are reprefented as Perfons, fpeaking and reafoning amongft themfelves in the Parable of Jotham; as alfo 2 Kings xiv. 9· By the fame Reafon, Speech, or certain Words are attributed to Deflruftion and Death, Job xxviii. 22. to Fir-trees, Ifa. xiv. 8. to the Dead, Verfe 10. See Ezek. xxxii. 2L to the Righteoufnefs ofFaith, Ronz. x. ,6, 7, 8. See alfo Rom. ix. 20. t Cor. xii. rs. r6, &c. fome refer hither, Pro·v. i. 20, &c. and viii. 1, (<Jc. to Chap. 9· 7· where Wifdom, commending itfelf, and inviting Men to partake of it, is introduced. But the foundelt Divines do rightly underftand Chrifl by this Wifdonz; which Chap. i. 20. and ix. 1. is called .mo:m in the Plural by Way of Excellency; as if it were faid, He is the very Wifdom of the mort wife God, and the very Author of it. Chap. viii. 14. he attributes Counfel, Strength, and Prudence to himfelf. Verfe '7· And to love them that love him; Verfes 2.j., 25. '!'hat be was brought forth before the Depths, &c. Verfes 22, 27, 30. '!'hat he was exiflent before the Creation of the World. Verfe 23. Anointed, or Jet up from everlajling, viz. to be a King and Governor. Verfe 30. Sporting always before him, viz. the Father,- All which, and ,Other Things there written, muft of neceffity be attri– buted to a true Perfon: See Matt. xi. '9 · Luke vii. 35· and xi. 49• (as alfo Matt. xxiii. 34·l r Cor. i. 24, 30. Col. ii. 3· Therefore this Projopopa1ia is to be referred to the firlt C!afs, not to this latter. • fugo')'o~lcna, AJJgulariJ, ab ax~, /ummu;, chief, f!f yo~'"' AngulriJ, a Corner~ 3H CH A Pj