Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part II. OF AN EROTESIS, OR INTERROGATION. 2il Ruth ii. 9· and iii. 1. I Chron ..xxi. '7· (fee xxiv. 17.) Job vii. ': Pfal.lvi. 8, 13· Ecc!ef vi. 6 . fjd. I. 2. (wuh hx. 1.) Jer. XXIII. 24. Jocl 1. 16. Amos u. I I. and v. 20. Obad. v. 8,9. jonahiv. 11. lvfatt. vii. 22. Mark xii. 24. (fee Matt. xxii. 29.) Joh 11 iv. 35· vi. 70. and XI. 9· 1 Cor. x. 16. Heb. 1. 14, &c. · We are efpecially to note, that there are 1ome Places, which affirmatively ajk, in which there is an a1lirmative Senfe, or in which .the negative Particle No is 10 be under– ftood; as 2 Sam. xv. 27. '(be King faid unto Zadok tbe Prieft (art not) thou a Seer? that is, thou doft perfeetly tee how Things go; fee Ezek. viii. 6. r Sam. ii. 27. I Kings xvi. 31. Jer. xxxi. 20. and xJ<iii. 23 . The Interrogative ""'~ quomodo, how, fometimes abfoluteJy denies; Exod. vi. I2, 30. Deut. vii. 17. J~dg. xvi. IS· Pfal. lxxiii. I 1. and cxxxvii. 4~ Matt. xii. 26, 34· and xxiii. 33· Mark IV. I3· Luke VI. 42. Rom. x. I4, IS. 1 Cor. XIV. 7, 9, I6. I 'fim. iii. 5· Heb. ii. 3, &c. Why, wherefore, ;n:)? is often put for Prohibition; Gen. xxvii. 45· Why jhould I be deprived ofyou both in olle Day? that is, let me not be deprived of both: I Sam. xix. I 7. Why jhould I kill thee? that is, let me not kill thee: See 2 Sam. ii. 22. 2 Chron. xxv. I6. Pfal. lxxix. ro. Ecclef v. 5· and vii. 17, I8. Jer. xxvii. 13, '7· and xi. 5· Ezek. xxxiii. 1I. Dan. i. 10, &c. The U fe of Interrogations is various, and almo!l: ferves every Affection ; there is, 1. An Interrogation, which denotes Abfurdity in a Way of exploding it; as Johll iii. 4· How ca11 a Man be born whm he is old, can he enter the Jecond Time into his Mo– ther's Womb? as if he had faid, this is abfurd, and in my Judgment cannot be; John vi. 52. How can this Man give us his Flejh to eat? as if he had faid, this is moO: ab– furd: See Verfe 6o. and Chap. xii. 34· 2. Admiratio11, Gen. xvii. '7· Shall a Child be born unto him that is an hundred Years old! and jha/1 Sarah that is ninety Years old bear! This is an Interrogation, adm)ring the Divine Power, and comparing it with his own and his Wife's Impotency; as Rom; iv. '9• 21. More Examples, fee Gen. xxvii. 20. and xlii. 28. Cant. iii. 6. Pfal. cxxxiii. I. Ifa. i. 2 I. and xiii. r. Ezek. xvi. 30. Matt. xxi. 20. Mark vi. 37· 3· Affirmation, of which we have given Examples in the foregoing Pages. 4· Demonflration of a certain Subject, of which fame Thing is affirmed or predicated," Ezek. viii. 6. Son of Man, feefl thou what they do? as if he had faid, behold, thou art """"1"~' a Spectator, or Witnefs of their Impiety, Idolatry, and Abomination. Matt. xi. 7, 8, 9· there are certain Interrogations propo1ed by our Savior, the Scope of which .is to fhew who John was, and in his Commendation to affirm or deny fame Things. And fometimes in this Manner the ~eftion and Anfwer are joined; both which are equi·volent to a connexive Enunciation, whole Antecedent is taken from Jhe ~eltion, and the Confequent from the Anfwer: as Pfal. xxv. I2. What Man is he that fearetb the Lord? him jhall he teach in the Way that he jhall chufe. Verfe 1 3· His Souljhalllodge in Goodnefs, and his Seed jhall inherit the Earth: that is, thefe Things !hall be conferred on him that fears the Lord: So Pfal. xxxiv. 12, '3· and cvii. 43· Jer. ix. I2; Hof xiv. 10. See alfo Prov. xxii. 29. with xxix. 20. 5· In a Matter of Doubt; Gen. xviii: I2. Therefore Sarah laughed within herfelf, faying, After I am waxed old,jhall I have Plet'fure? Thefe Words denote Diffidence and Doubr, and the Unlikelihood in her Judgment of what was promifed, as the following Words of the Lord manifetl:. Rom. x. 6. But the Righteoufizefs which is of Faith, fpeaketh on this Wife, fay not in thy Heart, who jhall afcend into Herruen? Verfe 7. Who jhall defcend into the Deep (or Abyfs?) Thefe Interrogations of Doubt, are brought to denote the Uncertainty of felf·righteoufnefs, which Righteoufnefs by Faith wholly takes away; confult the next Chapter. 6. Exaltation and Extenuation. Rab. Kimchi in his Comment on Jer. xxii. 23. fays, That the interrogative Particle i1r.:l quid vel quam, what or how, is ufed in a double Signification, viz. to exalt a Thing, as Pfal. xxxi. I 9· 0 how great is thy Goodnejs? Pfal. cxxxix. I7· How preciotts a!Jo are thy Thoughts unto me, 0 God? Or to extenuate a . Thing, as Pfal. viii. 4· What is Man, that thou art mindful of him? that is, how in– confi.~erable? and unworthy is he of thy Grace and Favor? SoPfal. cxliv. 3· See alfo lfa. 11. 11 to 22. with Pfal. cxlvi. 3, +- I Sam. ix. 21. 2 Sam. vii. 18. Gen. xxiii. 15. Exod. iii. II. I Ki11gs ix. 13, &c. 7· Expoflulation, Accufation or Chiding. Gen. xii. 18. Pharaoh chid Abraham, What (is) this (that) thou hafl done unto me? Why didfl thou not tell me thatJhe was thy Wife? Vert"