Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

2IZ ()F TI-iE FIGURES OF A SENTtNCE IN DlALOGISM. Bodk I. Verfe '9· Why Jaidft thou, She is my Sifler? So Gen. xxxi. 26, 27, 30. and xliv. 4, ' 5· ~ther Examples are Pfal. xi. ' ' and 1. 16. IJa. v. + and lviii. 3· Ezek. xii. 22. Dan. 111. 14., &c. 8. Indignation as PJal. ii. r. Why d~ the Heathen rage, and the People meditate vain 'l'hings? T hat thefe are Words of Indignation, appears, Verfe 5· Matt. xvii. '7· 0 f aithlefs and per·verfe Generation, how long Jhall I be with you? how longjhall I Juffer you? this was an Apoflrophe to the Apoftles by Way of Indignation, as appears from Verfe 10. 9· By Way of lnfitltation end Tr~ny, as Pfal. xlii. 3· While they continually Jay unto me, Where is tby God? So Pfal. lxxix. 10, &c. More Examples fee ]er. xxii. 23. and xxiii. 33· with Verfe 36. John xviii. 38. 10. By Way of Lamentation, as PJal. iii. I· Lord, how are they ipcreafed that trouble me? (or, Lord, how numer()US are my Enemies?) Pfal. xxii. I. Lam. ii. 20. Pfal. lxxvii. 7, 8. 9· Hab. i. '7· 1 I. By Way of Commifetation or Pity, as L am. i. 1. How doth the City fit Jolitary that was full of People, &c. Lam. ii. I. How bath the Lord covered the Daughter of Sion with a Cloud in his finger? &c. fo frequently in the Lamentations. 12. By Way of Negation, concerning which we refer you where we have fpoke a little before of the Emphajis of an Interrogation. , ' 3· By Way of Wijhing, as 2 Sam. xxiii. I5· Who will make me drink of the Water of the Well of Bethlehem ? That is, 0 that fome body would make me drink: See Rom. vii. 24. I4· By W ay of Prohibition, or Diffua!ion from a Thing, of which you may fee the fourth and fifth Paragraphs before going. I 5· By Way of Rejection or Refujing, as Numb. xxiii. 8. l-low jhall I curfe him, whom God bath not curfed? and how Jhall I defy (or deteft,) him whom the Lord bath not defied (or dctefted.?) As if he had faid, I neither can, nor dare do this Thing; fee ]udg. xi. 12, o,Sam. xvi. 10. 1Kings xvii. 18. 2Kings iii. 13. Hojeaxiv.9. ]oeliii.9.Matt, viii. 29. Mark v. 7· Luke viii, 28. John ii. 4· C H A P. VI. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Dialogifm. FIGURES in a Dialogifm, of which we have given a Defcription before, are five in Number, which we will briefly expound and illuftrate with Examples; as, r. A"'l''" or J'""'e""'• Doubting or Delib~ration, is a Figure when we deliberate, or reafon with ourfelves, what we ought to fay or do; as Pfal. cxxxix. 7· Whither jhall I go f rom thy Spirit? or whither jhall ! fly from tby Face (or Prefence)? & c. See the four following Verfes. Other Examples are, Lam. ii. 13· L uke xvi. 3, + I Cor. xi. 22. Phi!. i. 22, 23, 24. Rom. vii. 24, 25, &c. 2 . Avuxon•wo-1!;, Anactenofis (which fignifies Communication, or an imparting ofa Thing to another) is a Figure, when we deliberate or confult with thofe Things, with whom we argue for, or againft; as !fa. v. 3• 4- Now therefore, 0 Inhabitants of Jerufalem, and Men of Ifrael, judge I pray you, betwixt me and my Vineyard, &c. fo Luke XI. '9· AEfs iv. 19. 1 Cor. iv. 2 r. x. I 5, 16. and xi. I 3, 14. Gal. iii. I, 2 . 5· and iv. 21, &c. 3· rre'""tj,''' Occupation, is when that which may be objeCted, is anticipated and avoided; this is done either covertly, or tacitly; or openly and plainly. Of the firft Sort we reckon, when the ObjeCtion is not mentioned, but only the Anfwer; Rom. ix. 6. It cannot be that the Word of God Jhould take no EjfeEf ; for they are not all lfraelites, that are of Jfrael (fo the Greek:) This obviates an ObjeCtion, viz. If lfrael be rejefted, the Word of God will be ineffeCtual; I will be thy God, and the God of thy Seed, &c. An open and plain Prolepjis, is when the ObjeCtion is fl:ated and anfwered: This is often joined with a Profopop£ia,-the Parts of tlus are ""'~'I" Hypophra, and "'e'"'~'P" Anthu· pophora : The firft is the Adverfary's Reafon, or ObjeCtion; the latter, the Soltmon or Confutation of it. Examples are, IJa. xlix. I 4· But Sion Jaid, 'The Lord bath forfaken me, and my Lord bath forgotten m~: T he Anfwer of this.()bjeCtion f~llows, Verfe '5· Ca11 a Woman forget herfuckingChdd,&c. See alfo Matt. 111. 9· Rom. m. 1,2, 3• 4• 27, 29> 3'·