Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part II. ScHEMES oF SENTENCES AND AMPLIFICATIONS. 213 29, 31. iv. 1, 2, 3· vi. 1, 2. vii. 7· ix. 14, 19, 20. x. 18, 19. and xi. 1, 11, 19,20. 1 Cor. xv. 35, 36, &c. 4· E?TI1;'""' Epitrope, Permijjio11, is when we ftrioujly or ir~nically permit or grant a Thincr, and yet object the Inconvemency or Unreafonablenefs of lt: Examples of a fenous Epitr~pe are, Rom. ii. 17. Behold thou art called a ]ew, and refteft in the Law, and makeft thy Boajl of God, Verfe 18. and knoweft his Will, &c. as if he had laid, I grant it is fo; but why is thy Converfation fo difagreeable to that outward Profeffion I Verfe 20. and the following Verles fbew this to be the Meaning. See allo Rom. ix. 4, 5· Gal. iv. 15, 16. An ironical Epitrope is, when we feem to grant a Thing, which is indeed a Prohi– bition of the Contrary. Of this Illyricus f.1ys, Clave Script. Part 2. Col. 302. ' It is a • Species of Permijjion, when we grant what is unjuft to any, not as judging what he • fays right, but as 1t were giving way to his Obftinacy, Malice, or Fury. As angry • Fathers ufe to ii•y to their dilfolute Sons. I fee you will ruin yourfelf; take your • Courfe, run on headlong to Deftruction.' Examples you may read, ]udg. x. 1 4· Prov. vi. 32. 1 Kings xxii. •5· Eccl. xi. 9· Ifa. xxix. 1. ]er. ii. 28. and vii. 21. Lam. iv. 21. Ezek. xx. 39· Amos iv. 4, 5· Matt. xxiii. 32. and xxvi. 45· ]ohn ii. 19. and xiii. 27. 1 Cor. xv. 32. 2 Cor. xi. 19. Rev. xxii. 1 I. 5· :!:uyxwpn~''• Synchorejis, Conceffion, is when a certain Saying is granted, yet withal declared to be unprofitable or of no Advantage; ]ames i1. 19. 'I'hou believeft that there is one Goa, thou doeft well; the De·vils alfo believe and tremble. See Rom. xi. '9• 20, &c, 1 Cor. iv. 8. 2 Cor. x. '• 2, 11. and xii. t6, &c. C H A P. VII. Of other Schemes of Sentences and Amplifications. I. Schemes taken from Caufts. A Im~oyaa; /Etiologia, according to its Signification, is the rendering of a Reafon of a Word or Deed; as Rom. i. •3• 14. Now I would not have you ignorant, Brethren, that oftentimes I purpoftd to come to you, (but was let hitherto) that I might have fome Fruit among you alfo: even as among other Gentiles. I am Debtor both to the Greeks, and the Barbarians, &c. Verfes 15, 16.-Iam ready to preach the Gojj;el to )'OU that are at Rome alfo : For I am not ajbamed of theGojj;el ofChrift; for it is the Power of God tmto Salvation, to every one thatbelieveth, &c. See Rom. iii. 20. and iv. 14, 15. M•?"'""'' Metafla.fis, ugnifies 'Tranjlation, and is when the Caufe or Blame is transferred from one to another, as Rom. vii. 8. Paul lays, that the Law augments Sin; yetVerfe r 4· following, fbews that it is the Fault of our corrupt Nature. See Rom. viii. 3· 1 Cor. iv. 6, &c. · II. Schemes taken from Adjtmtls and Circumjtances. To"'YP~'"• 'I'opographia, that is the Defcription of a Place, is, when a Place is accuratdy defcribed, exhibiting ir, as it were to our View; as the Defcription ofHell, !fa. xxx. 33· Luke xvi. 24, &c. the new Heaven, and the new Earth, in the Elect, which fball be eternally glorified, lfa.lxv. '7• &c. Rev. xxi. 1, &c. of Sin, or the . Church env1roned wi1h broad Streams, !fa. xxxiii. 20, &c. by which Defcription, its Safety and Divine Defence from Enemies is noted. Of the new 'J'emple and the ad– mirable City, Ezek. xl. See Pfal. xlii. 6. lx. 7, &c. and lxxxix. 12. with Verfe 11. Here note, that the Climates or diftinct Parrs of the Earth, as the Eafl, Weft, North, and South when mentioned in Scripture, are to be underftood with Refpect to the Situa– tion of ]udea, ]erufalem, and the 'I'emple, where the Prophets lived in the Land which God gave the ]ews: Only we muft except fome Places in Ezekiel, who lived and wrote m Bab:Jion. Note alfo, that the Sea ugnifies the Weft, viz. the Mediterranean Sea, wh1ch 1s on the W:eft of ]udea, Numb. ii. 18. ]ojb. xvi. 3· Ezek. xlii. '9• &c. ]erome on Ezek. xlv1. fays, It is a cuflomary Way of [peaking in Scripture, becauft of the Situa– tzo!l of Judea, to call the Sea the Weft. We may except Pfdl. cvii. where in the Hebrew 3 I Text•