216 SCHEMES OF SENTENCES AND AMPLIFICATIONS. Book I. V. Schemes taken from Comparates. ~"'Y"P'~'(' ""e"&,m, Syncrijis, Parathefis, Comparifon, is an Amplification of the facred Speech by the Companfon of fuch Things as are like and unlike, greater or lefs,- as Jn a Propofinon and ItS Anfwer, or the Propofition only, leaving the Anfwer to be found our, of which Sort there are many Examples in the Par~bles of our Saviour; of which fee Gram. Sacr. p. 483, &c. and lllyricus Part 2. Clavis Script. 4 . Tract in the Titles of Similitudes, as alfo our Treat& of Parables. VI. Schemes taken from Divijion. M'~'a'!'o(, Merifmos, Diihibution, is when the Whole is largdy expounded by a D eductiOn from the Parts (properly or analogically, fo called) as Ifa. xxiv. I, 2 3 , Ezek. xxxvi. 4· Rom. ii. 6, 7, 8. John v. 28, zg. ' Euv«&poo~i'o(, Synathroifmos, Congeries, a Heap or Pile; is when Things of feveral Species are piled or huddled together, Ifa. i. II, I3, I4· and iii. I6. Rom. i. 29, JO. Gal. v. rg, 2 0, 2 1, 22. 1\v"~""'(' Anabajis, Increafe, is when the Speech afcends by Degrees from the Joweft to the higheft,- or when the latter Words increafe in Vehemence beyond the former, ftill adding the V~hemence to the Oration: See Pfal. ii. I, 2, .3· ( Ac?s iv. 25 , 26, 27.). lfa. 1. 4· Pfal. VII. 5· and XVI~!. 37, 38. Ez.ek. 11. 6. Dan. IX. 5· Hab. i. 5· Zech. VII. II, 12. I Cor. tv. 8. I John 1. r. Sometimes there IS a Progrefs from the higheft to the loweft, Ezek. xxii. I8. in the Names of Metals; fee Phi/. ii. 6, 7, 8. VII. Schemes taken from Definition. E,-•E•'Y•~•(, Epexegefis, Interpretation, is when Words of the fame Signification are joined eo Jlluftrate a Sentence, as Pfal. xvii. 1. xxxv. I, z, 3· and xviii. 1, 2 • ] onah ii. 3, 4, 6. Zech. vi. I2, I3· To this they refer '"'I'""' Epimone, Commoration, viz. when one perfifrs in his Speech, changing only the Words or Sentences, Matt, vii. 2 r, 22, 23. and xii. 3I, 32. Col. ii. 13, I4, I5. I Cor. vii. 36, 37, &c. When that which was before obfcurely delivered, is in the fame Sentence more clearly expounded, they call it 'fl'""'"'' Hermeneia, which fignifies Interpre~ation, Ifa. 1. 22, 23, &c. · rr,~,~~«<o(, Periphrajis, Circumlocution, is, when a Thing is pronounced or de– fcribed with many Words. Some fay that the Reafon of this, is, becaufe Truth may be propoferlmore fplendid ly, or that which is unfeemly may be avoided. Some Inter– preters fay, that the Phrafc Gen. xx. I6. 'J'o be a Covering of the Wife's Eyes, is a Periphra.fis of a Hufband, becaufe fhe was really his Wife, and becaufe it was his Duty to protect her (hence it is faid Ruth iii. 9· Spread thy Skirt over thine Handmaid; that is, receive me into thy Protection in a Way of Marriage) then from the Duty of the Wife, who is to reverence and obey her Hufband : for the Women were to be vailed, to betoken Subjed:ion, Gen. xxiv. 65. r Cor. xi. 5, &c. The in tire Words of Abime/ecb to Sarah, Gen. xx. I 6. run thus, Behold, I have given thy Brother a thotifand Pieces of Silver: Behold, he is to thee a Covering of the Eyes unto all that are with thee, and with all other, and be thou advifed, (fo the Hebrew) as if he had faid, Thou didft tell me Abrahamwas thy Brother, to whom (fo falily reprefentcd) I have given a Prefent ofp thoufand Pieces of Silver, for a Recompence of what he fuffered- But he is thy Hufband, not thy Brother, and is fo acknowledged by all rhy Family: Therefore let him be fo known to all Strangers, and let this PafTage forewarn you, by which you have wilfully put yourfelf in hazard, and difTemble no more that way, &c. So a parting or double Way is called the Door of Eyes in the Hebrew, Gen. xxxviii. 14. It is faid by a Periphrajis (they are the Words ofVqfjius, Lib. 4· ln.ftit. Orat. Cap. I3.} that when Mention is made Twv 7fEP' xoiuoA.ua-1et11 GYTw~, of M"en's retiring to a Place of Eafe, they covered their Feet, Judg. iii. 24. I Sam. xxiv. 4· For the Heb"ws, Greeks, and Romans wore (not Breeches as we do, but) long Gowns or Coats, which cover– ed their Feet at that Time. This may be an l nftance of the Modefty of the facred Stile. See more Examples, Judg. v. 10. 2 Sam. iii. 29. 2 Kings xviii. 37· lfa. xxxvr. 12. 2 Chron. xxvi. 5· Job x. 2 I, 22. where ther~ is a Periphr~jis of Death: See