ScHEMES OF SENTENCES AND AMPLJFICATIONS. Book I. John xix. 24. Pfal. xl. 6, 7, 8. with Heb. x. 5, &c. and Pfal. xlv. 6, 7· with Heb i. S, 9·.. and Pfal. lxviii..'8. wit\! Eph. iv. 8. and Pfal. lxix. '!: with Rom. xv. 3 . and Pfal. Cl!. 25. with Heb. 1. '.o. and Pfal. ex. 1. With Matt: XXII. 24, 45· Mark xii. 3 6. L uke xx. 42, 43> 44· Afls 11. 34, 35· I Cor. xv. 25. lleb. 1. 13. Pfal. ex. 4· Heb. v. 6. and vii. '?· Pfal.. ex. 22. with Matt. xxi. 42. J>1ark xii .. IO. Afls.iv. I 1. I Pet. ii. 7 . So !fa .. xt. 10. with Rom/v. I2. and !fa. XXVIII•. 16'. With I Pet.IL 6. and !fa. xlii. I, &c. w1th Mall. XII. I7, &c. and lfa. xlv. 23. wuh Rom. x1v. 11. and !fa. lxi. 1. with Luke iv. !8, 21. and Amos ix. 11. with Afis xv. 15, 16. Micah v. 2. with Matt. ii. 6 and Zcch. ix. 9· with Matt. xxi. 5· John xii. I4, 15. and Zech. xi. I2. with jVJau: xxvii. 9· and Zech. xii. 10. with Jobn xix. 37· and Zoch. xiii. 7· with Matt. xxv. 3 , Mal. iii. 1. with Matt. xi. IO. Mark i. 2, &c. · ' Juaius and <J'remellius, <J'arnovius and ~iwt, refe.r to this Place, Hof xi. 1. Out of Egypt bave I called my Son; which Matt. 11. 15. 1s ctted and applied to Chrift. 2. There are Citations in a mediate and typical Senfe out of the Old Teftament refpeCting Chrill and his myftical Body the Church : As Exod. xii. 46. about th~ pafchal Lamb, applied to Cbrijl, John xix. 26. the brazen Serpent, Numb. xxi. 8, 9 , with J.olm iii. I4, 15. Jonah ii. 1, I I· :"ith Matt. xii. 39· Adam and Eve, Gen. ii. 23, 24. with Eph. v. 31, 32, &c. To thrs Head alfo may be reduced thofe Alleaations which are Expofitions of an allegorical Speech, as in Phi!. Sacr. p. 375· · 0 ' An analogical Accommodation (which Cajetan called a tranfumptive Senfe) is when the Words of the Old Teftament are ufed in the New, and accommodated to the Event and for Conveniency or Similitude ·are attributed to a Perfon or fame certain Thin"' extending it beyond the Scope of the firll holy Writer, as Matt. xiii. 35· the Sayin~: Pfal. lxxviii. 2. I will open my Mouth in a Parable, I will utter dark Sayings of old, is analogically fa id to be fulfilled in Chrill:: For, as God the Father by the Prophew opened the Mylltries of the Kingdom of Heaven to his People at all Times; fo Chrill who was, o "'Y~ v,.or~1.-11iJ->, the hypoftatical Word of the Father, thought meet to exprefs himfelf in Parables. Yet in the 78th Pfalm, true Examples are given; but Chrill ufes feigned Narrations, p.v9wJ,., "'" "'"""Y'~'"""' both which agree in this, that they are called Parables, that is, Similitudes, viz. fuch as are brought in by Chrill:, and recited by the Pfalmijl on purpofe to admoni!h the People by thofe Examples, of what they were to expeCt from God by their Perkverance in, or Apoll:acy from the Faith: See 1 Cor. x. 6, 1t, &c. The 'ii,Tords !fa. liii. 4· viz. He bath borne our Gricfs, (or Infirmities,) and carried our Sorrows, (or Difeafes,) are cited Matt. viii. 17. Now if you refpeCt the Perfon or adequate Subject of whom the Prophet fpeaks; the Allegation or Citation is, xaTa n ~·7w, according to the Word, or literally to be underll:ood : But if you will have relpeCt to the Thing of which Matthe<v treats; it mull: be only by Way of Analogy and Ac– commodationFor here there is an Account given of Chrift, with RelpeCl: to his healing divers Difeafes, in which he is faid to accompli!h what was foretold by the prophetical Orack, and in a literal Senfe to bear our fpiritual Infirmities in his Paffion and Death, as it is expounded, I Pet. ii. 24, 25. More Citations you may find, Deut. xxx. 11. with Rom. x. 6. in the Defcription of the Riglueoufnefs of Faith; .fee alfo !fa. xliii. I9· compared with Rev. xxi. 5· Matt. ii. 17, 18. with Jer. xxxi. 15. Matt. xiii. 14. with lfa. vi. 9· Matt. xv. 8. with !fa. xxix. 13· Luke xxiii. 30. Rev. vi. 16. with Hof viii. 10. Afis xiii. 40, 41. with Hab. i. 5· Ram. ix. 27, 28. with !fa. x. 22. Ram. ix. 29. with !fa. i. 9· I Cor. i. 19, 20. with !fa. xxix. 14. and xxxiii. 18. Re·v. i. 7· with Zech. xii. 10. and Rev. xi. 4· with Zech. iv. 14, &c. As to the externa/Form, or the Kind of Speaking, or the Manner of Citation, the following Things are obfervable. (1.) The frequent ~totation of the Septttagint, or the ancient Greek Tranflation of the Old Teftament, of which, as Jerome notes, * Hoc genera/iter obfervandum, quod ubirunq; fanfli Apojloli aut Apojlolici viri loquantur· ad populos, his p!erumq; tejlimoniis abutuntur, qu£ (per tranjlatiomm Septuagint. lnterpretu111) jam fuerant in Gentibus divulgata; that is, '!'his is to be generally noted, that where· foever the holy Apojlles or Apojlolical Men JPoke to the People, they did for the nzojl Part ttfe thefe '(ejlimonies, which (that is, the Tranllation of the Seventy lnteq:>reters) were now publifhed to the Gentt!es. And that even m thofe Thmgs where there 1s a man1feO: Difference between that Tranflation and ' the original Hebrew text, as Luke iii. 36. • la tpt4!}J Hth.foptr Gm. 'Tom. 4· Fq/, 101. where