0 F P R 0 P H E T 1 C A L V [ S I 0 N S. Book I. 2. The double Dream of Nebuchadnezzar; the firO: is defcribed, Dan. ii. 29, &c. viz. of the great, large, fplendid, terrible Image of ·a Man, whofe Head was Gold his Breafl and /lrms Silver, Belly and Sides Brafs, Legs Iron, Feet part Iron, part Clay: and of the Stone hewn out wllboz£1 !iavds, whub brake tbeiil to pzeces; becoming afterwards a great Mountaiu. By whrch typical acd fymbolical Image : The four univerf.d Kin"· dams-or Monarchies of the Earth ~re again Jhadowed, or adumbrated, as the Proph~t himfelf expounds it, Da/J. ii . 37· and the f.clJowing V<:rfes. But by the Stone cut or hewn oz1t without Hands, the fpiriwal Ki"gdom of the Mejfiah is denoted, which when tl1efe Monarchies we.re in being, begau to lift up, or ereCt it!df· but at length whatfo.ever fha,JI remain of the faiJ Kingdoms, he will break in Pieces': and confume, Ver. 44-· . So much of Vi/tons which appeared w Men aj/eep. Such as ,appeared to Men awake are of a twofold Kind, but of the Manner of Appearance, viz. wh~her \With Extajj, or without, is not our work ro difpute at prelent, viz. fame have the Expofition or In– terpretation of the 'Types and Symbols annexed, and feme have oot. Vijions of thdirft Son ar.e to be aliD tliffcrenced, fora(much as the lnteqDretation of the Vilion is taken either from the 'Thing itfelf, or from it.s .dppe/14tions or 'Ferms, and fo iris by an alluGve Reafon. Of the firO: Sort are the Vilio.Qs of Jeremiah, Chap. xxiv. I, 2, &c. of the -two Bajkets of Figs, gwd mtJ bad ; .by the good Figs, the .Reftomcio.n of t.he Jewifh and Chritbaa Ch~rcb which was to come, js piefi,gured; and by t:he bad Figs, 1the car-rying away of. Ze.dekiah and the People of Ifro-tl into Ce,ptiviry, is aJfo prefi,gur:ed, as it ,is expounded in the srh and the following Ve1:fes. The viii. ix. x. and xi. Chapters of Ezekitf agree in the D <fc.ription of the fame Vj– fion of the Prophet, wbic.h had f.our P.aros; the fir/f Part of ohe Vifion obe<mbrates rhe Wickednefs of the Jews w.bich remained at. 'Jerujalcm, Chap. viii. The fecond fio-ur.es out the DeO:ruCtion of the Citizens in the very City, .excep>t thofe whom Gol had marked, as Chap. ix. Tbe third prefigures the Ere, by which is deni>ced the fiamiflg Anger and Indignation of the L:>rd, wbo by Plague and Famine afflicted .the Inhabi– tants before the taking of the City., and after its raking, utterly burnt and deftroyed the whole Ciry, with the Temp-le; anJ hence the Glory of the Lmd depaTited, as Chap. x. The /aft denotes the Pcrfecmion aod Ruin of thofe that efcaped the Burn– ing and DeftruCtion of the City, as Chap. xi. So Chap. xxxvii. r. and the follo.w– ing Verfes, there is a Vifion of Bones made alive agaiu, and reduced to their fvr;;•er ,State, by the Immij}ion of the Spirit ; by which the Re!l:itution of the Jews, and the Deliverance of the univerfal Ch.urcb, its RefurreB:ion from Death, and its eternal Glory is adumbrated or thadowed forth, as appears Ver. 1 I and 23, with the Verfes imme– diately following both Places. The Vijion in the viiith of Daniel, o.f the two-horned J?.a;n, and of the He-goat with one Horn, is expounded by Gabriel, Ver. '9· to relate to the Kings of Media, Perjia, and Greece, &c. /lmos v ii. 1, 4, 7. is a relation of.certain Vifions, by which, as by Types and Sym– bols, a Famine to cor:ne, warlike Devaftations, and the Captivity of all the Ifraelites after the ExtinCtion of Jeroboam's Family is denoted, as it is expounded in \he fame Chapter; fee Chap. ix. 1. wh~re you have a Vifion, that denotes God's Departure from the Temple, his forfaking the J<:ws, and his moO: fore Judgments again!l: them. Z echariah i. 8, &c. there is a Vifion of a Man riding upon a red Horfe, )landing among the Myrtle 'Trees in the Bottom, and behind him, red Horfes, bay, and white, fo the Hebrew; by which is figured our Savior Cbrifl, dwelling in the Church among the Godly, and Angels miniO:ering to him, as Chap. i. 18. 'The four Horns denote the Enemies of Ifrael who invaded them, as the Syrians, AJ!jrians, and Babylonians on one Side, viz. the North; the .Ammonit.es and Moabitts from the Ea!l:; the Edomites an~ Egyptians from the South; and the Philiflines from the WeO:. The four Carpevtm, Ver. 20. which caO: out the liorns aforefaid, do figure out thofe InO:ruments which God fhall make ufe of, and gather from all Parts, to deO:roy the Babyloniam, and thofe Enemies of the Church, who hindered the Building of the 'Temple, and the City Jeru· Jalem. •Chap. ii. I. there is reprefented a Man, holdinz a meafuring Lilu inhis Hand, to meafure Jerufalem; by wh1ch the rebmld1ng of the Crty m Tune to come IS denoted• Chap. iii. I. Jojhua the High-prie!t is reprefented as a Type of Chrifl, as is plainly m~ timaced, Ver. 8. Chap;