... I Part II. 0 F AN H I S T 0 R I C A L T Y P E, &c. Chap. iv. 2 . there is mention of a golden Cr;ndlejlick, which is a Type of rhe Church, and moft precious m the Sight of God, the E;<plicatiOn of which, .with Reference to each individual Member, is given by our Savwr himfelf. The jlying Roll, Chap. v. z. ·denotes the Judgments ?f God againft the in:penitent, and impious Jews. More Examples may be read m th1s and the followmg Chapter. To the latter Clafs belong the V!lions we read of, ]er. I. I 1, ra, I3, I 4 . .dmos ¥Ill. 2. of which we have fpoke before. vVe have treated fo far of Vijions, whofe Antitypes are expounded in the very Text; but there are others which are not fo expounded : Therefore .we muft take thei,· £x– pofition either from the Circum/fances of the Te·xt, or from other Places of Scripture; or from the Event, Compliment, or fl'llfilling of the Prophecy;, fuch are .Ifa. lxiii. 1, &c. where there is a Dialogue propofed by the Prophet, between Chri./f and the Chucch, refpecling his own moft bltlfed Paffion and Merit. And although there is in r~at B!ace no direct ment10n of tuch a VIlion, YN the C~rcum'ftances do fa·1oly murnate It, viz. that fuch a ViGon appeared to the Prophet. In Ezekiel the xlth to the End, we have a typical Defcription of the Temple ana City: The Antitype of which, is not the City and Temple Tebuilt by Zerubbt!bel and Nehemiah aftenhe Captivity, as the He-brew R abbies, and otihers ha\<e dreamed, but rhe myftical Temple of God, Jhis true Ohurch, and the heavdo1y and fpiritua1 City, as the learned Dottor H".ffenreiferus moft learnedly expounds It. Laftly; The !Revela– tions of John, in \vhid1 the future State of the 'Church, by divers V,ifions, borh fymbo– lical and typical, is reprefented, the Explication or fulfilling of whioh ilie Ev.ent mull: fhew, is propenly reduced tlnder this Heact. So much for prophetical Types. A R T C L E V. Of an hiftorical Type, and its jirfl Diviiion. AN hi./forical Type is the myftical Senfe of Scri·eture, whereby Things aet.ed or done in the Old Teftament, tefpecially what refpeeted the Priefthood and Wotfhip of the Jews,) prefigured and adumbrated Things atl:ed in the New Teftament Times, wi'rh Refpect efpecially to Chrift the Antitype, who is, as it were, the Kernel inc'lofed in all thofe Shells of Old Teftament Ceremonies, Types or Actions, &c. This may be thus diftinguill)ed, (r.) that like an 41legory, it is either innate, or natural, or inferred. The innate is that which is expre'f~ly ·delivered in the Scriptures, or when the Scripture itfelf fhews or intimates, that fome Ceremony, or Thing tranf– acted, does adumbrate the Things related or done in rhe New Teltament, efpecially Chrift iu a myihcal Senfe. This -is done, either exprefsly and explicitly, or tacitly and implicitly ; or, which is all one, the Scripture either Jbews it exprefs'!y, or tacitly infinuates the Thing tranfacted to be a Tfpt of Chrilt: Of t!1e qrft Kind we have !llany Examples. The Prophet Jonas was fw.allowed in the W'hale's Belly, and vomited out after thtee Days, as ]onah i. IJ. and ii. IO. This is a 'l'ype of Chrift, who lay three Days in the Grave, and of his glorious Refurrection, as Chri(t himfelf exprefsly fays, Man. xii, 40. and xvi. 4· Luke xi. 29, 30. The Brazen Serpent which Mofes by divine Command lifted up in the Defart, aaainft the Bitings of Serpents, as Numb. xxi. 8, 9· is eltprefsly faid to be a Type of Chrift, who was lifted up upon the Crofs, and healing Believers of the Biting of the ihfernal Serpent, J ohn iii. I 4, I 5. TheConftitution and Sacrifice-offerings of the L eviticlll Priefthood in the Old t"ef– tament, did typically prefigure Chrift the High-prieft, as Heb. v. and the following. More Examples may be found upon a diligent Search and Meditation of the Scripture, Examples of the latter So'rt are thefe : The Mercy-feat, or the Covering of the Arl,: of the Covenant, Exod. xxv. '7· which typified Chri./f, Rom. iii. 25. fo you may com– pare Jojh. i. &c. with Heb. iv. 8. That the Manna was a Type of Chriil: is told us John yi. 32, 33, &c. The Pafchal La111b, Exod. xii. 3, &t. was a Type of Chrift, a~ I Cor. v. 7· John xix. 36. The Scape-goat, Lev. xvi. 10, 21. was a Typ.e of Chrift, as John i. 29. >.Pet. ii. 24. Si> was lfaac, Gen. xxii. 2, 12. with Rom, viii. 32. and Heb. xi. I9. So Sampfon, Judg. 2 xiii.