Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

DIVISIONS oF AN HISTORICAL TYP E. Book J. xiii. &c. compared with Matt. ii. 23. where that which is fpoken of Sampfon, ]udg. Xlll. 5· 1s accommodated to Chrifl the Antttype: Yet the Phrak Na:~wea.1o~ ... A..,9nG"ax~, hejhallbe called a Nazarene, is not ufed as fame fay, refpeCl:ina the Words concerning Sampfon, but to other Sayings of the Prophets, Ifa. lx. 2 I, &c."' and xi. I. Zech. vi. 12, in which the Me.ffias is called 1l1J, Netzer, Surculus, a Branch, whence Nazareth is de– rived; hence the Syriac has it n1l1J, Natzerath, or Notrath, * j'vfatt. ii. 23. and the Rea~ fan they give is, that it is faid it was written, J,,. "eo~nrwv, by tbe Prophets, in the plural Number, &c. ' That King Solomon, the Son of David, was a Type of Chrift, appears Heb, i. .;. .dc?s ii. 30. andxiii. 12. where the Promife made to David, fpoken in a literal Senfe of Solo– mon, 2 !Jam. vii. 12. 1 Chron. xvii. I I. is referred to Chrifr. 'I' he firft-bor" Son of the Lord, as the People of Ifrael are called, Exod. iv. 2 3· when they were to go out of Egypt, is a Type of Chrifr: '!'he only begotten Son of God, Matt. iii. I7, who is faid to be called from his Exile in that Nation, Matt. ii. IS· where that which is Literally faid of the Ifraelites, Hof. xi. I. is accommodated to Chrifr the Antitype, &c. An illated or inferred Type is that which is confequentially gathered to be fuch by Interpreters; this is either by fair Probabilities agreeable to the Analogy of Faith– or extorted, and without any Foundation in, or Shadow of Senfe, from the literal Senfe of the Text. Of the firft Sort, the Homily-writers and ExpoGtors produce a great many. As the Doings of i!ampfon in marrying a ftrange Wife, and dejlroying his Enemies by his Death, ]udg. xiii. xiv, xv. xvi. Chapters; although no where in Scripture applied to Chrilt, yet it is expounded as a Type of Chrifr, who was fpiritually, as it were, married to the Gentiles, and conquered his Enemies by dying. More Examples are, Gen. xxxvii. &c. refpeCling Jofeph; Numb. xvi, 47· refpeCl:ing Aaron. See Jfa.lix. 2. and Gen. ii. 22, 23. Dan, vi. 22. Judg. xvi. 2, 3· I Sam, xvii. 49· and xxii. 2. with Luke xv. r, &c. Of the latter Sort, are the wild fantaltical Conceits of Papifls, and fame others, who make Types where there are none. For lnftance, t 'Iurrecremata makes the Son of David, yea, Chrifr himfelf, a Type of the Pope of Rome: For he expounds the Words, z King. vii. I 3· thus-! will ejlablijh the 'l'hrone of his Kingdom for ever: That is, fays he, I will caufe the Supremacy, or Kingdom of the Pope, always to endure, with feveral other Things of the fame ridiculous Tenor; which we omit as ufelefs to our Undertaking. A R T C L E VI. Other Divifions of an hifrorical Type. A NOTHER Divifion of an hiftorical 'lype is this ; fome immediately refpeCl: Chrifr, and fome the Things that belong to Chrifr. Of the firft Sort are fuch Things as prefigure, and lively fet forth his moft holy Life, his moft bitter Death, his malt glo– rious RefurreCl:ion and Exaltation, as in the Examples before recited. Of the latter Sort are, the univerfal Flood, in which, by the peculiar Bleffing of God, Noah and his Family were faved, which is called a Figure or 'l'ype of Baptifm, I Pet. iii. 21. to which Pfal. xxix. 10. may be applied, which, by the Power and Efficacy of the moft pre– cious Blood of Chrift, faves Men, and is to them the Laver of Regeneration and Re~ novation of the Holy Spirit. The Parallel of this Type, with the Antitype, may be read in the learned Gerhard, Tom. 4· foe. de Bapt. Seft. 8. · The Bodily Circumcifion is a Type of Heart Circumcifion ; the former is called "'I'" 70 1"" "'X"f'"""'~• the Circumcifion made without Hands ; the latter "'f'T'f"" ™Xe•>•, the Circumcifion of Chrift, Col. ii. I i, So our Divines propofe fome Types of the Lord's Supper, as the 'l'ree of Life in the Midfr of Paradife, Gen. ii. 9· fee Rev. xxii. I4· ]ohn vi, 53, 54, 55· The Bread and Wine brought forth by Melchizedec, and given to .dbraham, Gen. xiv. t8, I9· The Pafchal Lamb eaten yearly (in '""'!"'"~") in Commemoration of the Deliverance of the lfraelites from literal Egypt, Exod, xii. 27. with 1 Cor. v. 7· and i. 26. The Manna, Exod. xvi. I 5· The Water that came out of the Rock, Numb. xx. 11, The Blood •f th~ • See Pifiator upon the Place, and Junius in Paralltlliio t Lib, 1, fumma:, Cap. 90. Covenant,'