Part JI. CAN 0 N S oR R U L E S EXPOUNmNG TYPE S. Covenant, Exod. xxiv. 8. l-leb. ix. 20. The Sbew-bread, Exod. xxv. 30. The live Coal, !fa. vi. !5. the Explication of which, amonglt other Types, may be read in Gerhard, Tom. 5· de facr. Euch. Sec?. 12. The Types of the New Teflament Church, as learned Men fay, are Paradije, Gen. ii. 8. Noah's Ark, GeJJ. vi. '4• &c. The Calling of ,1vrabam, Gen. xii. 1. Jofh. xxiv. 2. See more l:.xampb, Exod. xxvi. 1. Jojh. ii. 18. and vi. 23. Pfa!.lxxxvii. 1. Gal. iv. 22. Mal. iii. 3· Yn fomt of thefe are reputed Allegories rather th.ln Types. '!)•pes a1e either of 'l'hings, or of Ceremonies: The Types of 'l'hings done are, when fame t\C\ions of holy Men in the Old Tdbment prefigured fome 1 hings done in the New. Thus Abraham's offering his Son, in Obedience to God's Command, and Love to him, typified God the Father, deli~ering his Son to Death for the Love of M ankind, Ram. v. ti. and viii. 32. So Jofeph's being fold into Eg;pt, and afterwards aclvanced, typified the Humiliation and Exaltation of Chritr, J'hil. ii. 6, &c. Ceremonial 'l'ypes are, when the CeremJnies, and whole Con!litution of the Levitical \i\Torfhip in the Old Teflament, prefigured Things in the New; an evident Explication of which the Epillle to the Hebrews gives. A R T C L E VII. Canons or Rules expounding Types. CANON I. JN prophetical 'l'ypes we muft exactly take Notice where Chrill: manifefls himfelf with ret'peC\ to hi' Office and Merit; and where he fets forth other divine Things, a5 J udgmenrs and Bldiings. The Reafon of the Canon is; becaufe the Son of God, before the Fulnefs of Time was come, Gal. iv. 4· did at fundry Times, and in divers Manners ('lr"oA'JfJ-fpw) "'~::~ 7l'"t~ J<uT~"'w<) adumbrate and make himfelf manifdt, with his Merit and Paffion, ro the F athns and Prophets of the Old Tdlamen,, partly by plain Promifes, and partly by typical Vifwns, and thus he rejoiced in the habitable l'arrs of the Earth, Prov. viii. 3'· In which refp.Cl: he is faid to be a Lambjlain from the Foundation of the World, Re-v. xiii. 8. For the general Underfl:anding of thefc Types, the Learned give this Rule: Whatfoe-ver 'l'ext of the Old 'l'ejlament treats of the Grace of God, of Propitiation, Re– demption, Benediction, and Dejlruflion of Enemies, fo that the Light and Explication of it t;tay be found in the New 'Jejlament, or tbat the Circumjlances and Emphajis of the Words them[elves difcover it; that 'l'ext is to be expounded of Cbrijf, together with his Merit .and Pa.J]ion. Thus the Vifion of Jacob's Ladder, Gm. xxviii. prefigures Chrifl, t~e true Ladder, by which the Saints afcend into Heaven, a' appears by the Circumflances of the Text, which treats of the Propitiation of God, his divine Protection, and his Blef– fings upon the faithfull'o!teriry of Believers; belides, Chrifl: applies this tO himfdf, John i. sr. lfa. lxiii I, 2, 3• 4, 5, 6. There is a prophetical Colloquy, which refpects not only Chrift, but alfo his mort bitter Paffion, and moll glorious Victory; for, (1.) The Text difcourfes of the Propitiation of God, the Redemption of Men, and the DeflruC\ion of Enemies. (2 .) The three foregoing Chapters exprefsly treat of the Merits and Blef– fings of Chrifl. (3.) It is expounded of Chri!t, Rev. xix. 1 '• 13, '5· (4.) The Cir– -cumftances of the Text, and the Emphajis of the Words clearly evidence it to be as be~ fore expounded: Of which more in another Place. C A N 0 N !I. '1here is oftentimes more in the Type than in the Antitype. J REN/EUS, lib. 2. Chap. xl. fays thus: A 'Type and Image (of a Thing) is fometimes different from the Iruth, according to its JV[ateriality and Subjlance: But according to Jbe Habit ami Lineament it ought to keep a Similitude, and to jhew by 'l'hings preftnt, 'l'bings ·• 3 N wbicb