Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

CAN 0 N S OR RULES EXPOUNDING TYPES. Book I. whicb art not prefmt. The Reafon of the Canon you have, Art. 6. God cleflgned one Perfon or Thing in the Old Td1:ament to be a Type or Shadow of Things to come not in all Things, but with refpd1: to fame p,micular Thing, or Things only; henc~ we find many Things in the Type, which are not to be applied to the Antirype, which it typifies in fume cmain Thing only, not in all, efpecially the Failings and Sins of the Saints of the Old Telramenr, who did typify Chn ll, are by no means, neither ought they to be attributed ro the moft holy and unfporred Jefus. For as a PiCture may reprefent all the Lineaments of the Party piCtured exaCtly, although there may be fome accidental Spot in ir, that is not in the Perton. So the Life of the Saints may be a Type and Image of Chrili, although they are liable to Frailties and Infirmities inci– dent to human Nature, which are no Reprefentations of any Thing in Chrifl:. The U!c of this Ganon is fhewn in the li.pijile to the Hebrews, where the Priefl:hood and ritual Sacrifices of the Old Te!\ament are fairly accommodated to Chrifl: the Antitype, yet that there were many Things in that Priefl:hood which do not goadrate; as that the Priefl: was to facrifice for his own Sins, Chap. v. 3· which does not quadrate with Chrifl:, Chap. vii. 27. that Priefl:hood was""~""""''"''"~'""' weak and unprofitable, Chap. vii. 18. and there were many Priefls, neither of which can be applied to Chrifl:, who made all perfect and unchangeable, Chap. vii. 24, 25. C A N 0 N Ill. 'J'here is oftentimes more in the Antitype than in the Type. CH RYSOS'l'OM, Homil. 61, on Gm. fays, It is neceffary that the Figure have it tban the 'I'ruth, buaufe otherwife it would 110t be a Figure of 'Things to come. The Heafon of this Canon is the fame with the foregoi ng. For lince no one Type can ex– prefs the Life and particular ACtions of Chrifl:, therefore there is altogether more in the Antitype, or other Thing adombrated, than can be found in Types. And when we fay that there is more ip the Antitype than the Type, it is to be underfl:ood ; nor only with refpeCI: to the Thing, but alfo with refpect to the Manner. Of this Mofes and Jojhua were Examples, each of which was a Type of Chrifl:. Mofes typified Chri!t as a Redeemer, and ']ojhua typified him, as he brings his People to Heaven, their true Country. But the Manner varies in both Places, and in that Rtfpect there is much more in the Antitype than in the 'I')pe. In the 'I)pe there is only a bodily or human De– liverance; in the Antit)pe an heavenly and a fpiritual. In the 'I')pe there is only a limple ar jingle Redemption; m the Antit)pe fuch a Redemption, as is made (intercedente >.UTew) by a redeeming Price, viz. the Blood of Chrilt, Rom. iii. 24. The Redemption in the Type, and the lnrrodui:tion into the Land of Cmtaan is made by Mofes and ']ojhua, as by the Miniflers of God, Heb. iii. 5· In the Antirype our Redemption and Salvation ·is wrought by Chrifl, as (per"'"!" rr,< owr•e•a<) by the principal Author or Caufe of Sal– vatia1l, Ails iii. 15. and iv. 12. Heb. v. 9· So Mofes, when he is called tuum<, Me– diator, Gal. iii. 19. may be tern<ed a Type of the mediatorial Office of Chrifl:, with re– fpect to the Thing·itielf; although there be an eminent Difparity in the Manner. Mofes .i-s called a Mediator, becaufe of his Office of Interpreting and Teaching, Exod. xix. 3· Deut. vi. 5· Bur Chrifl is not only a Mediator in rhat Refpect, but for the great Bkf· fmg and Benefit of his SatisfaCtion, 1 'I'im. ii. 5, 6, &c. C A N 0 N IV. 'J'here mujl be a fit Application of the Type to the Antitype. THIS Appl1carion, belides other Thmgs, 1f 1t be mferred, comprehends this alfo, that there may be a Comparifon made betwixt the Type and the Anmype, as far as the Scriptme and the Analogy of Faith will bear it. Here Bellarmine faulters egr~giouOy, lib 1. de Mif!a, Cap. 9· where going about to prove that there is a rroe Sacn· .fice offered in t~eir Mats, he wrefls the Type in the Old Tefl:ament, Gen. XIV. 111 the Hifl:ory. d l.1chhiudcc. For whereas this IS a Figme of Chn!t in a peculiar ReipeCI:, Pfal. ex. 4- Hcb. vii. '7· and that he truly facrificed Bread and Wine, Gen. XIV. 18. he 1 concludes