Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

z;6* c A N 0 N s OR RuLE s EXPOUNDING T ypE s. Book I. the Jefuir,* an~ Corndius n Lapit!e.t But thofe are impious and groundlefs Conceits as the moO: of the L earned affirm . Gretzer the .Jcfuit, lib. 1. deCruce, Cap. 6. affirms: that the O?.k, in which /lbfalom did hang by the Hair of the H ead: is a Fii\ure or Type of the Cro(, of Chr;ft; and that Abfalom prefigured Cnnfl. Tlm M an ts certainly a very daring and nonCenfical Type-maker, to make fuch an impious typical Explica[ion. For Abfalom receiv,·d juf\ Pumlhment for his Rebellion again it his bther, &c. It cannot be denit'd but that the Puniihments of fome MrtlefaEtors are accommo. dated ro Chrift as an Antitype. Gal. iii. 1 .J· Ci>rijl bath redeemed us from the Curfe of the L aw, being made a Curje for us: For it is written, Curfed is every one that hang– etb on a 'J'ree. In which Vl' ords he grves, nor obii:urely, the typical Senfe of Deut. xxi. 23. (which is, with refpect to the FaCt itfelf, or the civil Punifhment, or with re– fp' Ct of the Caufe or ceremonial Reafon added.t) In the faid Place of Deuteronomy t he Bc,dy of rhe Perfon hanged, is commanded to be taken down and buried, for this R eafon, becaule he that is hanged is accurfed of God. For orherwife neither ac– cording tO the Law of Nature, nor according to the civil Law, neither of himftlf, is he that is hanged, accurfed or execrable to God. Doubtlels therefore by this Cere– monial or Levitical./Etiology (viz. a rendering a Reafon) [in refpcC\ of which the Per– fen hanged, is faid to be accurfed in the Sight of God, as Things of old were accord– ing to the L evitical Mtnifl:ration.] RcfpeCt is had by M oje; to Chrijl the Mediaror, as the Apoi\le expounds it in the aforefaid Place, He is made a Curfe and Sin for us, 2 Cor. v. 2 r. For though the Reafon, or OccaGon ot Hanging, in the Old Tefla– rnent, be va(\ly different from Chrift (for they that were hanged then , were hanged for t heir own Crimes, but Chrifl: bears the Punifhment of other M ens Sins imputed to him); yet, in hoc ipfo tertio, in this very tlmd, or meaning, they are Types of Chrifl, innfmuch they were accounted ceremonially accmfed by God. See 1 Pet. ii. 24, · D eut. xxi. &c. C A N 0 N VIII. One Thing is Jometimes a Type and Figure of two Things, evw contrary Things, but in divers ReipeCts. THUS the Deluge, wherein Noah was faved, was to Bdievers n T ype of Baptifm. But in regard the Wicked were drowned in it, it typified the Damnation of Re– probates at the great Day. To this Head la me refer the Places where Chrift, who is called a Rock and a Comerflone, is faid to be to the Godly a Rock or Stone of Salva– tion, but to the Wicked a Rock of Offence. So Cbrijl is called a Lion for his Strength; but the Devil is fo called for his Cruelty. But the two latter are rather a different Explic.nion of one metaphorical Appellation with refpeCt to different or divers Things. C A N 0 N IX. In Types and Antitypes an Enallage, Permtllation or Change fometimes happms, as when the ThinfS.figw·ed and adumbrated takes to itfeif the Name of the Figure, Sha· dow, or Type: /lJtd on the contrar,Y, wheu the T ype and Figure of the Thing re~ prefented takes to itfc!f tbe Name of the Antitype. EXAMPLES of the firfl: Sort may be read, Ezek. xxxiv. 23. and xxxvii. 24. HoJ iii 5· where Chrifl: is called ])avid, who in many Things was a Type of Chnfl. John i. 29, 36. Chn l\ is called a Lamb, becaufe the Pafchal Lamb was an emtnent Type of him : Thus he is called our Paffover, r Cor. v. 7· Rom. iii. 25. Chnft IS called I""''"l"'' the Propitiatory or Mercy-feat, not becaufe of the Propitiation he made for our Sins, 1 John ii. 2. but becaufe the Covering of .the Ark of the Covenant (which the LXX render by ll'"""l"'•""nd Mojes calls I11~::l) was a Type of hrm. The New T elrament Church is frequem ly call~d Sioil, !fa. ii. 2, &c. J erufalem, Gal. iv. ~ 6. Rev. xxi. 2. bc:caufe the le were T) pes of it. The Minifl:ers of the Gofpd • Lib. 8. Ca:"· 2. lnjlit. MtJra/. f Rejj;e!lu aJTitr p:-u( Ralionis a.Uita: Ceremonia!u. t In Prefat. Pem. Can. 40.