Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part IT. CANONS OR RULES EXPOUNDING TYPES. Golpd are called the Som of Levi, fay fome, for the fame Heafon, viz. that they ty– pt6ed thefe; but this is difputed. Of the latter Kind you may read Examples, (1.) in propbttical 'l'ypes, when the Name of a Perlon or Thing (which properly agrees with the Antitype, for which the Type is propofed) is given or attributed to any, as !fa. vii. 3· and viii. 1, 3· So the honeft Wife of Hofea the Prophet, and his Children born in lowful Wedlock. by the Command of God, are called a Wife of Who1·edoms, and Cbildrm of Wboredams, Hof i. 2. becaufe of the lfraelites, who were the Anti– Iype, and guilty of this, viz. fpiritual Whoredom. See Ver. 4, 6, 8. · (2.) In hi(\orical Types, as when hanging was called in the Old Teftament the Curfe oP the Lord; becaufe it was a Type of Chrirt, who was made a Curfe for our Sins, Gal. iii. q. See !fa. xlv. 1. with Ver. 8. To conclude wirh a general Canon, xal' av«A<lyt.xv, Inwgines gerunt Nomina fui Pro- · totypi,-that is, Pictures or Figures are called by the Names of the Perfons they rcpre– fcnr; as, Cefar's Scatue or Pit.l:ure is callec! Cefar :-And fo ofothers. See Gen. xli. 26. Dan. viii. 20. &c. Or