226 GOD MET A PH 0 R. I. A Father gives Being to his Children, as J acob begat the Twelve Patriarcbs, Aft; vii. 8. Exod. i. 5• Hence his l'ofierity are faid to proceed out of his Loins; Gen. xlviii. 5· and are called his !f!uc, or OffJPring. II. A Father makes Provijion for the Nut/ing, Nourijhment, and bringing up of his Children. A FATHER. Book It PARALLEL. I. GO? is the Author of fpi ritoal Being to his I eople: Of hzs own Wtll begat he us with the Word of 'Truth, James i. I8. Bleffid be the God and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrijf, which according to his abundant Mercy bath begotten us again unto a lively Hope, &c. I Pet. i. 3· Hence Believers are called his Children, begottm by his holy Word and Spirit. II. God the · fpiritual Father nourijhes, and with parental 'l"endernefs brings up his Children lja. i. 2. hence it is laid, they are born up by hiv; from the Belly, and carried from the Womb, !fa. i. 2. To be lain to the Breall: like new. born Babes, that they may receive thejincere Milk of the Word, I Pet. vii. 2 . III. Fathers clotlie their Chi!- Ill. God clothes his Sa\nts-He that fo clothes dren; Jacob made Jofeph a Coat the Grafs of the Field, jha/1 he not much more clothe of many Colours, Gen. xxxii. 3· you, 0 ye of iittle Faith? Matt. vi. 30. He clothes they allow, not only for Neceflity, them With the Garments of Salvation, covers them but alfo for Ornament, that they with the Robe of Righteoufnefs, lja. li. IO. and may take the moreDeligh• in them. adorns them with the Graces of his Spirit, and Evangelical Holincfs, that he might take the more IV. A Father dearly loves, high– ly efteems, and greatly pities his Children : If they are fi~k, or under any Calamity, his lender and compaffionate Bowels yearn with Pity and Sympathy to them. V. A loving Father protefts and defends his Children from Hurts, Injuries, and Abujes, to the Utmoll: of his Power, taking their Part, and vindicating their lnnocency a– gainft all their Enemies, whom he warns not to wrong them at their Peril. Ddight in them. IV. God fo loved his Children, that he fent his only begottm Son to fave them, 'John iii. I 6. In love to their Souls he delivers them, Ifa. xxxviii. I 7· they are precious in bis Sight, and bonourable, and therefore he bath loved them, &c. !fa. xliii. 4· Lih as a Father pitieth his Children, fo the Lord pitietb them that fear him, Pfal. ci1i. I3· V. God laves and defends his Children from their Soul-Enemies, as Sin, Satan, fpiritual Wick– ednejj in higb Places, which without hisl-klp would be too ll:rong for them, Pfal. l1x. 9, I6. and lxii. 2. Eph. vi. I2. Pfal. xciv. 22. therefore he co– vers them with hisWing from the Rage andMalice of Perfecutors: He is always ready to take their Part, -lf it had not been the Lord who was on our Side, (jays David) when A1en rofe up agai;!)l us, then they badfw~l!owed us up quick, &c. What a ftrict Charge does the Lord give to the Ungodly, touching Jus ljrael? When they wmt from Nation to N ation, and from one Kingdom to anotber People, he fuffered no Man to do them Wrong; yea, he reproved Kings for their Sakes, faying, '!"ouch 110t mine Anointed, and do my Prophets no barm. I Chron. xvi. 2I, 22. Pfal. cv. q, IS· Gen. xii. I7· and xx. 3· VI. The Thoughts of a tender VI. God is exceeding tender and thoughtful of Father run out molt towards their the Babes and weak Oms among his People, and weakeft Children, who are leall: able gives particular Chorge concermng them unto his to help themfelves, giving fpecial Minijfers-Strengthenye the weak Hands; and con– Charge to fuch as are intrull:ed to firm the feeble Knees, lja. xxxv. 3· Heb. xii. I2. look after them, to take particular And in another !'lace, Comfort the Feevle-minded, Care of them. fupport the Weak, 1 'l"heff. v. 14 . H e is laid to gather the Lambs with his Ann, and carry them in his Bofom, and gently to lead thofe that are witb Young, Ija. xl. I 1. VII. A Father provides Food VII. God provides Food for his People, and and PhyGc for his Children:- whatfoever elfc they want-Tbe young Lio11s do If they ajk Bread, he will not give lack and fuffer Hunger, but they tbtlt jetk t~e Lord them a Stone; nor a Serpent, if they jhall not want any good 'l"brng, Pfal. XXIII· I , z. ajk him a Fijh, Matt. vii. 9, 10. and xxxiv. 8, 9, 10. fbert is no fVant to them How ready was the Noble-man to tha ' fear him. He abundantly b!effis Sion's Provifion, feek Jefus from Place to Place, and fati.rjies her Poor with Bread, Pfa!. cxxx11. 15. Gives