Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

GOD A P 0 R T I 0 N. Book !I. 4: That Saints ha~e caufe to be comforted, for they have a gracious Father ready to receive all their Apphcatwns; and m all Cafes help, relieve, and defend them. 5· That it is the Duty of Saints to •behave thernfelves fuitable to their §<galrty and not debafe their Bir~h and Pedigree, nor ftain the Glory of rhm Farhtr's Houft by finful, bafe, reproachful Afuons. A fordzd Employ, and bafe Society, do not become a King's Son. 6. As God is the bejl: of Fathers, fo let Chriftians labor to be the bejl: of Children. 7· Ler_ them beware how they grieve his Spirit, or provoke him to take the Rod. 8. Th1s may fupporr us under the Lofs of our neareft and bell Relations. GOD A P 0 R T I 0 N. 'Ihe Lord is a Portion of my Inheritance, Pfal. .':vi. 5· But God is the Strength of my ·H eart, and my Portton for ever, Pfal. lxxm. 26. See Jer. h. .12. Pjal. cxii. 5?· and cxlii. 5· p o RTION (or Inheritance, as the Word is read, Gen. xxxi. 14. 1 Kings xii. 16. 2 Chron. x. 16.) is a Metaphor taken from earthly Portions or Inheritances, which !hall be confid<red in a fourfold RefpeCl:, ·viz. I. Its Nature. 2. Its Extent. 3· Its Signification. 4· Its Ufefulnefs. And under thefe Confidcrations, it affords Matter for the enfuing Parallel. METAPHOR. PARALL E L. I. A Portion, or Inheritance, a Gift. is I. GOD hath given himfelt' to hi, People to be their Portion for ew1·, Lam iii. 2'4Il. God, being comprehenjive of all Jpiritua/ Good, !fa. xlix. 6. is rhe belt Gift that can be re– ceived; and when he becomes a Portion to good Men, ] er. vii. 23. he makes them Partakers of his Divine Nature, 2 Pet. i. 4· gives them his II. A Portion, or Inheritance, as it includes Education, and Provi– fion of future Maintena1zce, is the beft Gift that Men can difpofe of. 'H oly Spirit, Afls v. 32. even the Wifdom that is from above. Ill. A Portion, or Inheritance, Ill. God 10 giving himfelf unto his People, adis given ro advance the Honor and vances their H onor and Intereft, and makes them Interefl of the Perfon on whom it no lefs than Kings and Princes; for when he makes is bejl:owed. them Heirs of God, they then become Joint-heirs with Chrijl; Ram. viii. 17. Inflead of thy Fathers foal! be thy Children, whom thou mayefl make Princes in all the Earth, &c. Pfal. xlv. r6. .And haft made us unto our God, Kings and Priejl:s, &c. Rev. v. 10. IV. A Portion, or Inheritance, IV. God who is the greatejl:, the richejl:, and as it is rhe beft for ftuality, fo the moft liberal Predeceffor, Father, or Benefa{tot, Extent and Proportion of it is ufualways gives like himfelf in Q;>antity and Proper– ally commenfurate ro the Riches and tion-Open thy Mouth wide, and I will fill it, i'fal. Eftate of the Donor : A good and lxxxi. 10. Aft, andyou jha/1 receive, that ;•our Joy great Prcdeceffor, Father, or Bemay be full, Joh;z xvi. 24. Aft what ye will, and nefaCl:or, gives like himfelf in itjhallbedonefor ;•ou, &c. Johnxiv. 13, 14. Even ff<_uantity, as well as ftua/ity. above what you can aft or think, Ep.b. iii. zo. He doth not only mah rh.: m to inherit Subflance, but he fills their Treafury, makes all Grace to abound towards them, and with-ha/as no gO<Jd 'Ihing from them that walk uprightly, 2 Cor. ix. 8. PJal. lxxxiv. 11. V. Portion, or Inheritance, imV. God is not the Portionof Devils or wicked plies or fuppofes R elation : Men Men, who are Enemies and A liens, the Proud he do not give Portions ro foreign knoweth afar off, bur he is the Portion of the Righ· Strangers or Enemies, but to Reteous, fuch as are his Relations by R~~encration or )ations that are fo naturally, or by Adoption, if Children, thw Ifrirs, Ram. viii. r6, Adoption. '7· Gel. iii, 26. But when bejha/lappear, wejhall be like him. VI. A