Book II. G 0 D A P 0 R T I 0 N: izj I METAPHOR. VI. i\ Portion, or Inheritance, fignifieth Love, and gnod Will to the SubjeCl:: Men never give Por– tions anJ Inheritances out of Ha– tred and ill Will. VI.!. The Gift of Portion and Inherirance, is heltowed on pur– pofe to fix the Subject to whom ir is given in a future Sertlc:ment of Happinefs and Profperity. PARALLEL. Vi. God when he becometh the Portion of any M an, it is out of Love, the greatcfl L ove, Deut. vii. 7· and good Will that ever was exprctfed: A Love that is admired, becaufe unmeafurab!e: 0 the Height aud Length, &c. Whnt Manner of Love is thrs ! l!.phef ·ii. 20. A Love that" great, large, fathomlefi, without End, Jer. xxxi. 3· V11. So God in becoming the Portion and In– heritance ofSaints, doth deugn thereby to fix ,hem in a future Settlement of eternal Happinefs and Felicity. '!'he pure in Heart jha/1 fee God, Mall. v. 8 be witb him and enjoy bim for ever: Ever– la.fting Joy jhall be upon their Heads, they jhall ob– taiJZ Joy andG!adnefs, Sorrow and Sighingjhall.ftce away, Ifa.!xi. 7· and xlv. I 7· VIII. A Purrion or Inheritance V11!. So Saints m li ving God to be their Parfrees from that Contempt others tion, arc delivered from that R eproach, and Con– are expofed to that have none; they tempt the holy Scriptures caft upon others, viz; that have no Portion are accounted on the Ungodly of the l:.arth, who b-:caufe they poor, beggarly, and inconfiderable have no Part nor Ponioo in God, arc called poor, Perfons, Men of no Efteem. blinrl, and miferable, Rev. iii. whereas the Saints a•e called hon,,rabk, and excellent ones, Jabez was more honorable than his Brethren, I Chron. iv. 9· Pfal. xvi. j. Mal. iii. I 7. thev are Men of Name, Princes, God's Treafure, his beloved Ones, his Jewels. l X. A great Portion or lnheriIX. . So the SJints having God to be theirs, are tance doth not only free from Connot only freed from the greatelt Contempt, and tempt, but procures many Friends , made honorable Ones, but thereby come to have (as Solomon fpeaks), the Rich hath many Friends , all the Angels of Heaven are in many Friends. perfect Bonds of i'eace and trne Friend!hip with them, Pfat. xcix. I I. and xxxiv. i· as well as all Saints on Earth, who blefs and pray for them, Heb. i. 14. nay, many Times God makes their very Enemies to be at Peace with them, Prov. xvi. 7· X. A great Portion or InheriX. So God being a Saint's Portion, it makes tance, makes a Man to value himhim value himfelf upon the btll and mofl wor– felf accordingly, he will not. join thy Grounds in the World. (s.) Becaufe he is in Affinity with any who are not rich. (2.) Inconceivably rich. (3.) Really rich; fuitable to him, or are much beother M~n, great M en of the World are but feem– Jow him. ingly rich. (4.) His Riches and Portio11 make him really honorable, truly noble and renowned in the Sight of God, Angels, and Saints. (5.) Becaufe God hath made him fa rich and illuftrious, 1 John iii. 2 . ( 6.) Becaufe he cannot be made poor by Men nor Devils; his Riches are durable, Prov. viii. 21. XI. A great Portion frees a Man XI. So when a Saint comes to know that God from Fear ofWant, and fo elevates is his Portion, how cloth it free him from Fear of his Mind to a more noble and high Want ? others have caufe to fear they !hall beg at Degree of living than thofe that Harveft and have nothing, when he knows what have none. Mines of Treafmes are laid up for him againft thJt Day : '!'he Lord i; my Shepherd, therefore I jha/1 not want, Pfal. xxiii. I. Yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my Salvation, Hab iii. I7· the Lord is my Portion, faith my Sou!, therefore will I hope in him, Lam. iii. 24. XII. A Man that hath the greatXII. So a Saint knowing God is his Portion, eft Portion and Inheritance, will not will not change his Eftate w1rh Kings, and mighty beperfuaded to changeE!tates with Potent>tes of the Earth, who are ungodly; I had other Men. rather be a Door-keeper in tbe Houfe of. God thm• to dwell in the Tents of Wickednefs, Pfa!. lxxxiv, IO. _Mofes contemned the Glory of Pharaoh's Court, by feeing him who is invifible to be Ius Poruon, Heb. xi. Xlll. An earthly Man that has a large Portion, efteems highly of X Ill. So he that hath God to be his Portion, eiteems h1ghly of him ; He loves_the L ord with all hzs