GOD A M E T A P I-I 0 R. it, as appears by the young Man in the Gofpel ; and as Chri!l fai:h, Where your 'l'reafure is, there will )'Our Ilearis be alf?. XIV. A great Pcrtion or Inhe– ritance, makes Way for Entrance into or }\lli:mce wi[h a great and noble Family. XV. A great Portion or Inhe– ritance, makes a Man able to do· more Good than multitudes of others can, he can help thofe he loves ; and oftentimes Enemies re– ceive Advantage by him. P 0 R T I 0 N . Book !I. PARALLEL. bi; !!cart, with d l his Soul, and with all his Strength, Pfal. xviii. J, I will lo-ve .the L ord as long m I li•Je. Whom have I in Heaven but thee, and there is none upon Earth that I defire befides thee ? Pjal. lxxiii. 25. God runs continually in his Mind. X IV. A Saint having God to his Portion, viz. having obtained an lntere!t in God through Chrilt, comes thereby to have a Right to all the fealing Ordinances, and the Union and Privileges of God's Elect, Eph. i. 3· and ii. 19. XV. So a Saint having lntere!t in God, he is made capable of helping and doing much Good to others, lieb. xiii. 3· (1.) By his Prayers; for the Ears of God are open tO his Cries, they are his Delight. What Good did Ifrael receive by Mo– fes's Prayer? &c. (z.) By good Counfel, Afls xi. 23. (3·) By comforting others that are calt down, with the fame Comfort wherewith they themfelves are comforted of God. (4.) By helping againft Satan, by !hewing his Devices, 2 Cor. i. 4, &c. (5,) And by their holy Example and Converfation, James v. 16. The Wicked alfo receive great Ad– vantage by them ; they are the Light of the World, the Salt of the Earth; how was L aban bleft for Jacob's Sake, Gen. xxx. 2 7. and the Houfe of Potiphar for Jofepb's Sake? Gen. xxxix. 3· And what faid the Inhabitants of Jerufalem in Ifaiab's Time, Except the Lord of Ho[[s had left us a very fmall Remnant, we fhould have been as Sodo;;,, and we 010uld have been like unto Gomorrah, !fa. i. 9· XVI. A great Portion or lnheXVI. So a Saint having God to be his Portion, ritance furnifhcth a Man with whatis furnifh ed with whatfoever is truly goud and de– foever is good and de!irable here lirable, viz. 1. Heovenly orDivine Life to quicken below, yea, with the beft of him; He is our Life. The Man who hath not re– every Sort, whether for Neceflity, ceived the Spirit, lies dead in Sms and Trctpaffes. or to make Life comfortable; a 2. Light to direct them. 3· Wifdom to counfel Man lives upon his Portion, and them. 4· Power to aid and aflilt them. 5· Spi· reaps whatfoever Good, Profit or ritual Joy to cheer them. ·6. H eavenly Bread to Pleafure it is capable to afford him. feed them. 7· Glorious Rubes to clothe them. 8. Excellent Graces to adorn them. 9· The An– gels to guard and protect them, &c. A Saint lives upon God; he receives fo much of that fpiritu al Good, ·Profit, and Delight here from his Portion, that he is able to take in all that Good God fees necelfary for him. METAPHOR. THE beft of Portions and Inhe– ritances in this World, are earthly and corruptible. !I. Other Portions are laid up in Reverftan for this and thatChild, Friend or Brother, and they have no Benefit of it at prefent. Ill. Other Portions, rho' great, yet not infinite, immenft, and un– fearGhable, the Worth of the great– efl: earth ly Portion may be com– pmed or reckoned up. IV. Other Portions may be great, and yet not all -fuflicient, they cannot fupply the Pofi'efi'or with whatfoever good Thing he neecleth. D IS PAR IT Y. GOD is a Portion immortal and incorruptible, he is the fame and changes not; called often, the eternal and immortal God, and fo an immor– tal Good. I!. God is a prefent Portion, preftnt Help, a prefent Support, prefen t Riches, prefent Honor ; 'Ihou art my Portio11 i11 the Land of the Lwmg, I Sam. i. 5· Ill. God is an immenfe, infinite, and incomprehenGble Portion, none is able to account or compute how rich aSaint is; what are all Nan– ons of the World to him ? even lefs than nothmg, and Vanity. . IV. But God is an all-fuflicient Portion, '" him is a Suflicitncy of all good Things a Saint can need ; no Good will he withhold from htm that wa!keth uprightly, Pfal.lxxxiv. I J, V. But