Book II. G 0 D A H A B I T A T I 0 N. M ETA PHO R. PAR ALL EL: 1. GOD fecures and defends his People from the R8ge of Satan, (which is called his fiery Darts) and the Malice and Perfecmions of wicked Mm; for his Protection like a refrelhing Shade is round about them : Thou haft been a Shadow from th<1 lieat, . Ifa. xxv. 4· 11. It is a Place of Shelter in a !I. God is the Soul's chief and only Sanctuary, I. A Habitation, or Hollf<;, is a Securiry againft: exrreme and intemptrate Heat. tempelhwus or il:ormy Seafon; for When I am afraid, litith David, I will truft in thee, ' when Wind, Rain, Hail, Snow, Pfal. ]vi. 3· ntD:ll~ Ebtach, that is, as the Emphajis Thunder, &c. are like to annoy us, of the Word bears, I will retire into thee my blef– that is a lafe retiring Place. fed Habitation, for thou art a Strength to the Poor, and Needy, and a Refuge from the Storm-When the Blafl of the terrible one is as a Storm againft the Wall, &c. Ifa. xxv. 4· In the ltrangdl: Convulfions of State, Revolutions of Kingdoms, and epidemical Calamities that aflliCl: the World, the Inhabitants of this blelfed Manfion are fure to enjoy certain Safety and Tranquility. Ill. It preferves the Body from the Injuries of exceffive Cold: It is a lamentable Thing to be houfe– lefs and harborlefs in a /harp Win– ter; many have been benumbed, yea frozen to Death that 'Nay : Our Houfe is the proper Place where Fire is made to warm us. IV. Our Habitation is the Place where our choicelt Comforts re– main ; as our deareft Relations, Company, chief Riches or Trea– fure. lll. Such as dwell in his heavenly Habitation are prefcrved from a dead, frozen, and benumbed Frame of Spirit, they are made zealous and warm for God, fervent in Spirit, ftrving the Lord, in– flamed with a divine Fervor, (by the Influence of the Holy Spirit which is callcc! Fire) animating them with Courage and Refolution to il:and for God and his Ways agaihft all Oppofition. IV. God is a good Man's chief Comfort, he is the Joy and Delight of his Soul: for as he is the fummttm bonum in himfelf, fo all good Thing~ are radically and originally derived from him : therefore fuch as would partake thereof, mull: have recourfe to him-In him is the Saint's 'l'rea– fure laid up, with him is the mo£1: defirable Communion: Whom have I in Heaven but thee, ·and there is none on Earth that I defire befides thee, Pfa!. lxxiii. 25. V. A Habitation is a Place of V. Such is God to the Soul, thither is the weary Refl; for there our Bodies when and heav_y laden Sinner invited, in order to receive tired by Watching, Journeying, or Re!t, Matt. xi. 27, 28. There is eternal Repofe Labor, are fweetly repofed. (after the troublelonJe Pilgrimage of the Flefh) in Reverfion for all that die in the Lord : Return uJZto thy Rejl, 0 my Soul, faith David, &c. VI. Our Habitation is our VI. God is a Chriil:ian's Home: one may be faid Home; for in other Places we are to be abfent from God, when he il:rays abroad, ·but Strangers and Sojourners, and givingthe full Reins to aloofe, carnal and dilfolute expofed to endure many Hazards Mind, purfuing the Vanities and Fallies of the and Diforders, which we are fafe World, neglecting the fa! id Comforts and Delights from at home. of his proper Home, expofing himfelf to the Hazards and Diforders of a ftrange and dangerous Entertainment among his Soul-Enemies; whereas to live with God, in aWay ofjpiritual Love and Communicn, is to dwell in God, 1 Johll iv. 16. and makes way for a more immediate and perfonal Participation of his Glory after Death, which made the Apoltle defire to depart, Phil. i. 2 r, 22, 23. Becauft Death was Gain to him, inajinuch as it was to flate him in l>is blef!ed and eternal Home. VII. There muft be fame cerVII. The Lord Jefus is the Way that leads to tain known Way, or Palfage leading this heavenly Habitation: I am the Way, theTruth, to a Habitation or Houfe by which and the Life, no Man cometh to the Father but by Enquirers may come to it. me, John xiv. 6. he is a Prie.ft to atone, a King to govern, and aProphet to teach and direct hisPeople. Vlll. A Habitation or Houfe is a Sanctuary and Safeguard again£1: Thieves, Robbers, and Murderers; it is a Man's Cail:le to fecure him and his. Vlll. God is a Sanctuary to his Saints, and .a fafe retreating Place from the AII:1tllts of Satan, Sin, and in-bred Corruption-From thefe Enemies there is no Safety, but by flying to the Mercy of God in Chrift. IX. Chrift