Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

G 0 D A H A B 1 T A T I d N. Book II. M E T A P H 0 R. P A R A L I. E L. IX. A Habitation hath a Door IX. Chri!l: is the Door that lets into this heato let into it, which is ol'.ened only venly Habitation: ThisDoor is always open to fuch to fuch as are approved fnends. only as are hrs known and approved Friends: I am the Door, by me ifany Man enter he jhall be fa– ved, John x. 9· No.Man knoweth the Father but the Son, and he ID whom the Sou jhal! t·eveal hznz, Jvfatt. Xl. 2 7. X. A H abitation or Houfe is adorned with Galleries, and other beautiful Ornaments, environed with Gardens, Meadows, Pa!l:ures, W alks, Fountains, &c. for Plea· fure as well as Profit, which makes it an excellent and lovely Seat. X. Thi, heavenly Habitation is furnifhed with all thofe glorious Ornaments that are needful for fpiritual Profit or Delight: Gofpellnftitutions and Ordinances are by Expolitors under!l:ood to be the Galleries of this Habitation, where the King is held: In all P laces where I record my Name, I 1vill come unto thee, and I will blefs thee, Exod. xx. 24-. The Blood of Chri!l: is a Fountain of life, Re--". xxi. 6. A Fountain opened for Sin and for Uncleannefs, Zech. xiii. His Church is his Garden, AGarden inclofed ismy Sifter, my Spoufe, Cant. iv. 12. His W ord is a green and plcafant P aflure, Pfal. xxm. 2. and h1s Spmt the Spnng that waters every Plan t and Flower: I will pour Water upon him that is thirfly, and Floods upon the dry Ground-! will pour my Spirit upon thy Seed, &c. !fa. xliv. 3· XI. It is Right and Propriety XI. It is an Intereft in God that makes a Soul makes a !l:ately Habitation valuato value him at fo high a Rate: 'lhou art my God ble: Paffengers may call: a tranjimt I will praife thee, !fa. xxv. 1' Thou art my Cod Look upon it, but little mind it, I will exalt thee, Pfal. cviii. 28. '(he Lord is my becaufe it is none of theirs. Portion, therefore will I bope in him, Lam. iii. 24. XII. A Houfe or Habitation is XII. To this heavenly Habitation Friends are a Place ofHoJPitality, there Friends fol•mnly invited> Ho every one that thirfleth, come are in·,ited, Strangers entertained, ye to the Waters-and he that bath no Money come, and Beggars relieved. come ye, buy and eat, yea come, buy Wine and Milk without Money, and without Price, !fa. lv. 1. Now bath God granted to the Gentiles (who were Strangers and Aliens) Repentance rmto Life. '(his is the R eceptacle of poor hungry Souls, where a plentiful Relief is daily givm andfreely diftributed, ./JEls xi. 18. James i. 5· Luke i. 53· XIII. He that is totally without Xlll. He that dwells not in God through a Habitation, is accounted to be in Chrift, is in a very fc,d and difmal Condition, a very defolate and miferable Conbeing expofed to the Curfe of the Law, and Divine clition, and expofed to all the In- Wrath; upon the Wicked he jhall rain Snares, Fire conveniencies above· named. and Brimflone, and an horrible Temptjf, Pfal. xi. 6. XiV. Jn a Habitation, or great XIV. The glorious /lttribtttes of God are as fo H oufe, are many Lodging- rooms many retiring Rooms, and Places of Security and for R epofe, and fome tecret ChamR epofe, to which the Saints mull: have recourfe in bers for Security in Times of DanTimes of Danger-Come my People, enter thou into ger. thy Chamber.<, andjhut thy Doors abottt thee, hide thy· felf as if it were for a little Moment, until the Indig· nation be overpafl, !fa. xxvi. ~. More particularly, inafmuch as he is omnifcimt, he knows what is bell: for us, and we ought to acquiefce in his Will-He is all-wife, and therefore orders all Things to work for our fpiritual Good-He is a/might;•, and can accomplifh, or effectually bring to pafs, whatfoever his Knowledge dictates for our Good-He is faithful, and therefore whatfoever he hath promifed lhall be certainly fulfilled-He is good and merciful, which is a great Encouragement to Sinners to make Application to him, and commit themfelves to his Protection-When I am afraid (faith David) I will put my Trufl in thee. He is etemal, and ther~{ore an everlafling Sal– _vation, &c. METAPHOR. I. A Habitation, (or H oufe) thoug h never fo flately and magnificent, is yet the Work and Contrivance ofa human /lrchitefl, D IS PAR IT Y. I. GOD is an everlafting God, has his Beingof himfelf, a moll: fpiritual and immaten~l Subftance, incomprehenftble in his Effence, and fo beyond human and angelica! Conception. Gen. xxi. 35·