G 0 D A i3 U I L D E R, Book II. M E T A P I-I 0 R. PARALLEL. the Saints !hall dwell, with fo high and Soul-raviibing Excellencies, as the moft fublime Rheto– ricean fet forth: As Gold, Pearl, Diamonds, and other precious Stones; the Street, pure Gold; the Bmldtng of the 'Wall, J alper ; the Foundations, preciotlS Stones ; and the Gates, Pearls, Rev. xxi. t 8, 19, zo. VIII. A Builder is a great BeneVIII. God is a great BenefaCtor, who hath factor to the World, in making made Buildings both for Safety and Conveniency: Places both for Safety and ConveHe made the Fountains to contain tire great niency. Deeps to keep them from breaking out upon the \Vor!d; he bath made VV'indows in Heaven, to keep the Waters above from falling down wo furioufly, to the Prejudice ofMan and Beaft:. He hath made Chambers, to keep in the roaring Winds, from ann·oying Mor. tals wtth conftant and impetuous Blafts: The raging Element of Fire he hath confined to its proper Region, where it cannot harm tls without his Permiffion. He hath given ns a p!eafant and fruitful Earth, a comfortable and refrefhing Air, a beautiful and de– lightful Heaven, which he has placed as a Canopy over us. He hath conftituted a good and holy Church, which is as a Wine-Cellar to fupply all our Wants, where he has placed the Word, the Spirit, the Ordinances, good Counfel and Inftructions, fuitable Comforts and Confolations; there is the Wine, the Oil, the Balm, the Bread, where he feeds his Lambs, and makes his Flocks to reft at Noon, f.1tisfying with Favor, and filling with the Blellings of his Bounty. He will abundantly b!efs Sion's Provijion, &c. IX. A Builder is pleafed with his Work, when finifl1ed, and is worthy of Honor for it. IX. God is pleafed with his ·work, when fi– niibed: He looked upon all 'Ihings which his Hand had made, and behold it •was very good~Gen. i. 31. He is worthy of Honor for what he hath done, becaufe they are great Things, mighty Things, wonderful Things, without number: So that it might be f.oid, as David, 0 give 'Ihanks to the Lord, who by his Wifdom made Heaven: Let all the Hofl of Heavm, and all the Inhabitants of the Earth, praife, &c. Pfal. cxxxvi. 3, 5· 1\.1 ET A PH 0 R. I. A_N earthly Builder is but a "' mortal Man, fubject to Weaknefs and Death. IT. The earthly Builder has but a [mall Pittance or Meafure ofSkill and Wifdom; it is but the Wifdom of a Son of Man, as light asVanity, and next to Fooli!hnefs. D IS PAR IT Y. I. GOD, the heavenly Builder, is a migh'ty God, the everlaftmg and everhvtng God, wrtli whom is no Beginning of Days, nor End of Life. I!. The heavenly Builder hach all the Trea– fures ofWifdom, he is full ofWifaom and Know• ledge, he is effentially wife and fkilful, and gives all the Wifdom and Skill, that is pdife!Ted, enjoy– ed, or tlfed by Men or Angels: It is unfea~chable, paft finding our, beyond all Comprehenfion, (o profound, that Angels are Fools in Comparifon of him:-He c'harges his Angels with Folly, Job iv. 1 S. Ill. Earthly Builders are fain to Ill. The heavenly Builder (having all Wifdom paufe, ftudy., and confider,. before and Knowledge) fees by one Act, (tmointuit1t) all they brina forth rhetr Devtces. Thmgs that are ncceflary and commodl<>us, and b needeth not to fufpend Actions till after Study and Confideration, nor ftay for any one to be his Help and Counfellor, becaule there is none able or fit to teach him: Who bath been his Counfel/or? &c. IV. The earthly Builder muft lV. The heavenly Builder can make Matter have Materials to work upon, and fit for his Purpofe, where he fiRds none; even as Servants to employ. all <J'hings that are feen, were not made of <J'hings that do appear, but of Matter that was void of Form Gen. i. 1. of which there was no Pre-exiftence, but it was made out of nothing, and r'hen formed into a crlorious Globe, and moft beautiful Fabric, by him, who alone (that is, without the l-le!\J of any other) doth great Wonders; that by Wifdom made the Hea-vem, &c. Pfal. J;xxxvi. 4, 5· . . V. An earthly Builder cannot V. God does all by a '\V'ord. of IllS. Mouth.- elfe{thisPurpofesinpointofBuildLet there be a Heaven, and 1mmedrately tt ap– pears;