Book II. G 0 D A B V I L D E R. METAPHOR. . ing, by his Word, without 'vVork and I.abor. VI. The earthly Builder muft have much Time allowed hitl'l to finiJh a great and famous Fabric. VII. An earthly Builder lays the Foundation of his Work upon a brittle Subftance, or at beft upon a Rock, which is capable of Dilfo– lution. VIII. An earthly Builder builds but little, comparatively, as fame Towns, Cities, or Part ofthem,&c. IX. An earthly Builder may be out-done by a Succelfor. X. An earthly Builder builds for other Men, all being not for himfelf. D IS PAR IT Y. pears; Jet there be an Earth, and it was fo, &c. as Gen. 1. VI. But God doth his Works, which are ex– ceeding, in a Moment; he juft pronounces the Word, and it is tlone. VII. But the heavenly Builder laid his Work upon a fure and unfhaken Foundation, upon an impregnable Rock, firm and immoveable againft all Violence whatfoever, viz. his own Almighti– nefs, than which nothing can be more permanent, ·&c. Heb. i. 3· Pfal. civ. 5· VIII. The heavenly Builder has been the Erec– tor of the whole Fabric of the Univerfe: He that built all Things is God, Heb. iii. 4· IX. But none can mend the Work of God, nor take the Glory from him: His Works jball praife him for ever, &c. Pfal. cxlv. 10. X. But all the Buildings that God makes are for himfelf; he is no Man's Workman or Servant, but hath made all Things for himfelf: For his own Pleafure they were and are created. XL But God is perfeCl: in Knowledge, and therefore incapable of Addition to it. None can tax him of Ha!hnefs, Failure, or Inadvertency. All Sciences fneet in Him, as their proper Centre, :XI. An earthly Builder is capa– ble of Improvement in his Skill; for Experiment, and Jecond Thoughts, inftruCl: him in fortie !!>oints he was before ignorant of. XII. An earthly Builder oftXII. No fuch Thing done, or need to be done times undoes what he hath done, by God: No Angels unmade, or Heavens dilfolv– plucks it down to make it better. ed, or Souls anmhilated or exnnglllfhed, or Seas dned up, to put them into a better Form: I know rhat thou canft do roery Thing, and that 110 Knowledge is hid from thee, Job xlii. 2. · C 0 R 0 L L A R I E ~ J. FROM thefe Particul4rs we may o'bferve, That if God be the Builder of all Thi'tigs, then the Work muft of Necellity be very well do·ne, for no human :Atc'h'iteCl: nn mend it. 2. ·Tliat it is very rational, that he 'Jhould be acknowledged and praifed by his handy Work. . ~. 'rhat there is godd Reafo·n tha't a!l 'fhould be at his Difpofal, for he gave them ~e'ing. 4· T'hilt Men have no Cat1fe to mmmllr, bedmfe rhey have no greater Part of this Wo\·Jd than God allots, for ifficy ought to acquiefce in his vVill. ~- That in all our Wants we Jhould apply ourfelves to Him, that gives liberally, ·alJd \lpbraideth nor; for we can have no Supply elfewhere. 15. That in all ProjeCl:s and Undertakings we Jhould feek Counfel of this great and wife Malter-Builder, and obferve his Leadings in all Enterprifes. . 7· That good Men have no Reafon to be troubled for worldly Lolfes, for all is the Lord's, and he will furely give them what is fit for the111. GOD