Book 1!. G 0 D A M A N OF w A R. will cry like a travelling 1Voman, I <oil/ de.flroy and de·vour at o;;ce. The LordJhall ;;o forth as a mighty Man, he jhalljlir up .Jealoujj like a Man of War: He jhall cry, )'ea, roar; hejhallprevml agamjl hiS Enewes, !fa. XIV. '9· 5· He is a kingiy Warrior·, or General of a mighty Hojl: All the Inhabitants of Heaven and Earth are at his Command. METAPHOR. I. A yreat and principal Warrior is dignified with a Title fu itahle to his Office, as Lord Ge– rzeral, or his Excellmcy. II. He trains up and difciplines his Army in the Military Art, in– ftruCI:ing them how to behave them– felves in all martial Engagements, difcovering the Enemies Strata– gems to them. l!I. A General orWarrior takes Cormftl and Advice, before he makes War, Prov. xx. 18. and xxiv. 6. IV. A royal \¥arrior (when en– gaged in War) fends forth Commif jions, and levies an Army or Ar– mies, (as the Kings of Ifrael did, who were great Warriors) and his Orders are obeyed. PARALLEL. l. GOD has a Title that exprelfes his tranfcen– dent Excellency and Grandeur ; he is called the Lord of Hojls, lfa. xlvii. 4- becaufe all Crea– tures in Heaven and Earth are of his A rmy. Il. God teaches his People how to behave themfelves infpiritual Conj/itls, and to fight under hisBanner, when he calls them forth,Pfal. xviii. 34· H e warns them of the Dangers of Enemies, and difcovers the Subtilties and Devices of their Soui– Adverfaries. IlL God cloth nothing rafhly; for in all Wars he engages in, or Defolations that he brings, He con(ultr his own Wifdom, and doth all by the Coun– ftl of his own Will. IV. God is invefted with Power and fupreme Authority, to raife Armies at his Pleafure ; if he gives but the Word, they immediately rally to– gether. God will lift up an Enjign to the Nations from far, and will hifs unto them from the End of the Earth; and behold they jha/1 come with Jpeed quickly, lfa. v. 26.-And it jha/1 come to pafs in that Day, that the Lordjha/1 bifs for tbe Fly, tbat is in the uttermojl Part of the Rivers of Egypt, andfor the Bee that is in Alfyria; and they Jhall come, &c. !fa. vii. 18. All are ready, when he gives the Summons: Angels, Men, Dragons, Beafts, the great Deeps, Fire, Hail, Snow, Wind, Frogs, Flies, Locufts, Catterpillars, &c. let him but hifs (as it were) and they come to execute his Commands. It is faid of Pompey, that when one of his Officers complained of the Want of l.Ylen, he fhould reply, Let me but ftamp with my Foot upon the Ground of Italy, and Ijhallhave Men enough ; which was a Note of confident Pride in him, for he was wholly defeated afterwards by C,efar : Yet it is always true of the Lord of Hofts; for if he holds up his Finger, all the celeftial and terreftial Hoft are ready to fight his Battles. V. A great Warrior opens his V. The Lord brings forth his Weapons out of Armory, and diftributes Weapons, his Armory. He opened his Armory, and bath and martial Habiliments to his brought forth the Wedpons of his Indignation; for Soldiers. this is the Work of the L ord, &c. Take to you the VI. A Warrior fets up his mar– tial Standard, or chief EnGgn of War. whole Armor of God, &c. Eph. vi. 10, I 1, 12. VI. So does the Lord : I will lift up an Enfign to the Nations from far, !fa. v. 26. And when the Enemy comes in like a Flood, the Spirit of the Lord jhalllift up a Standard againjl him, !fa. lix. 19. VII. AvVarriorcaufeshis TrumVII. God commands the Trumpets to be blown, pets to found, to make ready for that all might be prepared for the Day bf his the Battle. dreadful Controverfy. Blow the Trumpet in Sion, and found an Alarm in my holy M ountain : L et all the Inhabitants of the Land tremble, Joe! ii. I. And the Lord Jhall be ften over them, and his Arrows jhall go forth as the Lightning; and the Lord GodJhall blow the Trum– pet, and jhall go forth with the Whirlwind of the South, Zech. ix. 14. VII I. A Warrior, when he mufVIII. The Lord mufters his Armies : 'l'ht ters his Army, fets them in Array, Noife of a Multitude in the Mountains, like as of affignrng their proper Work and a great People: A tumultuous Noife of the King– Stations, for the refpeCI:ive Squadoms and Nations gathered together. '!'he Lord drons or DiviGons. of !-lofts muftereth the Hojl of the Battle, !fa. xiii. 4· In the Wars of his People Ifrael, he gave Di– reCtions for their Ba:tle·array, and when to give the Aifault. 3 s IX. A'