Book II. G 0 D A M A N OF W A R. MET A PH 0 R. thought the Son of Jupiter, but Death foon convinced him other– wife. JI. Earthly Warriors are under certain Limirations; for they can– not war as they pleafe, their Bounds being fet by the Almighty. Ill. There is no earthly War– rior, though never fo formidable, but may be matched and conquer– ed too. D I S PAR IT Y. }hall perijh, but thou}halt endure ; yea, allof them }hall wax old like a Garmmt; as a l/eflure }halt thou change them :-But thou art the fame, and thy Years jha/1 bave 110 end, Pfal. cii. 25, 26. 11. God has an abfolute Power and Sovereignty over Heaven and Earth ; whom he will he fees up, and pulls down at his Pleafure; whom he will he kills, and whom he will he faves alive. He doth whatfoevcr he pleafeth; and who can fay unto God, what dofl thou ? lli. But there is no Match for God in the World: Who would Jet the Briars and '.thorns agahifl me in Battle? I would go through them, I would burn them together, lfa. xxvii. He is called a confuming Fire, and the greateft of his Enemies are but as Stubble fully dry, Nab. i. 10. lt was a Saying of Cefar, l/mi, vidi, vici; and may be truly feid of God, for he never comes off with Lofs. IV. Earthly Warriors know not IV. The omnifcientGod, that knows all Things, the Succefs of their Arms beforecannot be baflled nor difappointed ; he knows hand, nor can foretel Events; they who of either Side lhall fall, and who lhall be may be baflled in their Hopes, and llain, and who wounded, before the Battle begins. made alhamed of their Confidence. V. Some Warriors invade their Enemies with fudden Irruptions, not giving them Warning, nor Time of Preparation. V. The Lord of Hofls, before he takes up Arms, or intends to deflroy a Jingle or a com– bined Enemy, gives them timely Warning and Notice of it, that fo Sinners may be ready, and prepare themfelves. This appears in Refpect of the old World, thofc vile Enemies of God, the Lord gave them Warning one hun– dred and twenty Years, of his breaking in upon them, before it came to pafs. So he likewife gave Warning to Jerufalem by the Prophets, before be brought the Baby– lonians in upon them: And what Warning did the Lord give to the People of the Jews, before the Deflruction came upon them by the Romans? God Jhoots off his Warning– piece, before he difcharges his Murdering-piece. VI. Worldly Men ofY.far know VI. God can in a Moment flop any Judgment, not fomecimes how to put a Pehe can flay the Sword from devouring, and the riod to a War, when it is begun, Fire from confuming. He knows when the Con– nor can tell when it will end. troverfy he hath with any Nation or People Jhall ceak VII. Though earthly Warriors can kill, yet they cannot make alive. VIII. Such cannot kill the Soul. IX. A Warrior may wafle his Treafure, and empty his Exche– quer, by long and chargeable Wars. X. He makes his Subjects bear the Charge. VU. The Lord of Hofls can kill and make alive, and many Times by Killing brings to L ife, 2Kingsv. 7· Vlli. But God is able to kill both Soul and Body, and after to cojl them into Hell, Matt. x. 28. IX. But God's Treafury can never be wafled, nor his Store confumed. X. But God bears all the Charge of his Wars himfelf. See the Metaphor of Captain. C 0 R 0 L L A R I E S. I. FROM the foregoing Particulars we may infer, That fuch as fight again!l: God's People, fight againfl God himfelf, he being their Head and General, that bears the Charge of the War, and will certainly vindicate his People. z. From hence all good Men may derive Encouragement, becaufe they are under the Conduct of fo incomparable a Warrior, that can in a Moment deflroy all their Enemies. 3· We may infer, that amartial Employment is a very honourable and ufeful Em– ploy, viz. when the Caufe is good, when it is for God's Glory, and for the Honor and Safety of Kmg and People. God is called, '.(be Lord of Hqjls, the God of the Armies of lfrael, which puts a Luflre and Dignity upon this Title, &c. 4· If '