Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

G 0 D A M A N OF w A R. Book I!. 4· If God's People be "orfted by an Enemy, we may infer, that it is fuffered by the Almighty, as a Scourge and Punifbment for their Sins: This was Ifrael's Cafe very ofren, Jofh. vii. 8, 1 1. 5· Let God's People, when they go out againft their Soul-Enemies, cro in the Name of the Lord of Hofts; for it is d;mgerous to face an Enemy, unlefs God go with us: In the Name of the Lord will we jet up our Banners, Pfal. xx. 5· 6. We may infer the dcfperate Cafe of fuch as fight againll: God: Who ever hardened his Heart againjl him, and projpered? Job ix. 4· Such as make a 'Tumult, and hate him that lift up the _Head, that take crafty Counfel againjl his l'eople, &c. Pfal. lxxxiii. 2, 3: 4, 5, 1 3· and 11. 12. Such jhall be made as Stubble before the Wind, and their Confe– deracy /aught at by hi;n that fits on high, &c. !fa. viii. 9, 10. and xxvii. 4· The moft Jteely and flinty in the World can no more ftand before God, than Briars and Thorns before a flaming Fire, Ct~ryl on 'job ix. Page 167.-Whoever commences War with him, does it to his own Ruin and Deftrutlion, &c. 7· Hence let all the Enemies of God confider, that it is their wifeft and fafeft Courfe to lay down their Arms, and make their Peace with God. 1. Becaufe he is a God of Might and Power. 2. Of Terror and Majefty. 3. Of Influence and ALnhority; he commands all. 4-· Of invincible Refolution and Conftancy. 5· Of fo great Valor and Generality, that as there is no fighting with him, fo honorable Terms may be made with him upon Submiflion. That he is a God of Might and Power, '!'error and Majejly, hath been fbewn already, therefore we !ball proceed to the third Particular, 'Viz. 3· He is a God of Intluence and Authority, he commands alL-Nothing can ftand, when he commands a March. The Frogs invade Pharaoh, the Stars fight againft Sifera, an Angel fights the whole Haft of AJ!jria; the Watchers turn Nebucbadnezzar to Grafs, tofs Beljhazzar from the Throne, and open the Gates of Baby/on for DariuJ: He brings forth his Angels by Troops, and fhews them in the Air, to 11rengthen or amaze, all mounted on Chariots aud Horfes: Sends the Winds out of his Chambers, ro make Confl'fion both by Sea and Land, which rolls up the great Waves, and hurls the Ships againft Rocks ; that overturns Houfes, pulls up Trees by the Roots, enters into fmall Crannies, and fhakes the Foundations of the Earth, !bakes the \'/ails of ]ericho, makes the Ground open to fwallow Men alive. Whoever he fets himfelf againO:, they are undone; for neither Riches nor Strength will fave them : Riches profit 110t in the Day of his Wrath; Money cannot bribe him, and by Strength can no Flejh prrvail: For he can fmite Blind and Lame in a Moment, put in fear, fmite Hip and Thigh, that they cannot move to run away from him; break their Cheek-bone, that they !hall not bite, nor afk for Mercy.-Many have been overcome by him, but never any profpered againO: him: So fuccefsful hath he been in Battle, that the ViCtory goes on his Side: Wherever he undertakes the War, he makes One chafe a Thoufand, and Two put Ten Thoufand to Flight. As is his Power, fo is He. His Wifdom and Counfel is fuch, that by one ACt he knows the Strength of all his Enemies, and the Counfel they take in their Bed-Chamber, the Thoughts they have on their Couches: He always catches the Wife in their own Craftinefs, and bnngs their Devices to naught: He fcatters them with the Imagination of their own Heart, and then laughs them to fcorn : He knows the right Seafon to fall upon them, and makes them like Duft before the Whirlwind; and in all Things wherein they deal proudly, fbews himfelf ftill above them: Has fubdued mighty and great Kings, for his Mercy endureth for ever. Challenges the Force of all his Foes, If their Hearts can endure, or their Hands be .ftrong, in the Day that he jhall deal with them. Requtres Babylo11 itfelf, that mighty ~een of Nations, to jland with her Inchantments, Ajlro· logers, and Magicians, and monthly Progno.fticators. He is clothed with fuch Armor, that none can hurt him ; he is mounted on fuch a Steed, that none by Flight can efcape him; for he rides upon the Wings of the Wind: He makes his Angels fwift to purfue, and his Minifters Flames of Fire. He fends forth his Arrows in the Dark, that none can efcape them, nor yet difcern them. 4· For his Refolurion, it is invincible. He is of one Mind, and none can turn him ; he will have his own· Counfel O:and, and the Thoughts of his Heart performed tO