Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

ok II. G 0 D A S T R 0 N G T 0 W E R. 2 55 M E T A P H 0 R. P A R A L L E L Jee what Sin is, with its defiling and damning Quality; they are not ignorant ofSatan's Devices, 2 Cor. ii. 1 I. by which he labors to circumvent them ; they fee the Weak– neJs of their fpiritual Enemies, and fear them not, fo long as this Tower inclofes them. VI. A fhong Tower is fortified VI. A bare external Profeffion of Religion, fuwith Our-works, as Moats, Platperficial Reading of the Scriptures, thinking (like Forms, Palifadoes, Counterfcarps, the Jews) to have eternal Life in them; fpecula– Half-Moons, &c. which are often tive Knowledge, or that which is meerly hiliori– fl:ormed and taken; the Soldiers ea!; affen:bling or joining in Communion with therefore do nor pur their chief God's People in ills Ordinances; Converfations Confidence in them, bur when they morally fober, outward StriCtnefs in Chriflian D u– find them ·nor tenable, they wifely ties, pious Performances, &c. may be fitly corn– retire to the Tower, or main pared to thefe Out-works, which though in them– Strength, or they are certainly loft. Jelves very good, and to be praB:ifed, yet withouc the Root of the Matter, that is, the Life and Power of Grace in the Heart, they are not by any Means to be relied in; for when an Enemy comes, thefe Defences are too weak and unferviceable. It therefore concerns the Safety of Chriftians, to go to God (this impregnable Tower) through Chrift, and make a timely Rerre.u into their great Citadel; clfe their Fortification will be certainly demolifhed, and they deliroyed, as in the foolitb Virgins Cafe, Matt. xxv. I , 2, 3, 4> 5· 6, 7. &c. VII. In a lirong Tower the \'Valls and Bulwarks are furnifhed with Artillery, and other military Engines, to keep oft' and dethoy the Ji ifailants. VII. This heavenly Tower is furnifhed with a dreadful Train of Artillery. He diflributes Death, Defolation, and Havock, among the proud re. bellious Pharaohs of the Earth, that opprefs his People, Exod. ix. 23. He deals Deliruc1ioo in loud Peals of Tlnmder, and furious Storms of Rain, Hail, and Fire. He pours out the Vials of his Wrath, t·ends Rocks, and makes the Earth to quake, Re·v. xvi. 1.-He can (and will in Time) melt the Elements with fervent Heat, and bum up the Earth, and the Works therein, 2 Pet. iii. 10. The mur– dering Cannon never roared our more Horror an I Amazement, than the Wrath and Vengeance of an incenfed God, elegantly exprdfed, l'fal. xviii. 8, 9, 10, 1 1, I 2, 13, 14. &c. '!'he Earth foook and trembled; tbe Foundations of the Hills moved, and were foaken, becauft of his Wrath. '!'here went up Smoke out of his Nojfrils, aud Fire out of his Mouth de'JOt!red-Coals were kindled by it. He bowed the Heavens alfo, and came down, and Darkilefs was under his Feet, He rode 11pon a Cherub, and did fly; yea, he did fly upon the Wings of the Wind. He made Darknefs his fecrct Place; his Pavilion round about him were dark Waters, and thick Clouds of the Skies. At the Brightnefs that was before him, his thick Clouds pajjed, Hat(/lones, and Coals of Fire. '1he Lord alfo thundered in the Heavens, and the Highejf gave his Voice, Hai(!lones, and Coals of Fire: Yea, he fent out his /lrrows, and fcattered them; and he foot out Lightnings, and dif– comfited them. VIII. In a l'trong Tower they have Countermines, and other De– vices to defeat the Befiegcrs Mines, or under-ground Workings. VIII. The Lord can baflle the Combinations of the Wicked, and intrap them in their own Snares, Eccl. x. 8. He difappoints the Devices of rhe Crafty, Job v. 12, 13. makes them fall into their own Pit, Prov. xxvi. 2 7. he brings the hidden Counfels of Wickednefs to light, and defeats the Plots and Stratagems of Anti-chrift, of which (in liis bleffed Providence) he has given us many memorable Inftances, in former and latter Times. IX. A ftrong Tower is a Place of Security ; there (as in a fafe Retreat) Men truft their Lives, Ef– tates, Families, choice Treafures, &c. It is a Refuge, and fure Receptacle, when Enemies invade, or Tyrants opprefs us. IX. God is fuch a Safeguard to his Church, that the Gates of Hell foal/ not prevail again.ft it, Mall. xvi, I 8. lfa. viii. 14. a fure SanCtuary to every individual Chriflian, that puts or comm its himfelf into his Protection, Matt. xiii. 44· and vi. 20. He is as tender of his Saints, as of the Apple of his Eye. Here we may fafely depofit Lives, Eliates, Families, choice T reafures. Here no Moth can corrupt, no Thief break through, nor Tyranny opprefs us. Commit your Souls