Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

(; 0 D A S T R 0 N G 'T 0 W E R. Book I1. METAPHOR. PARALLEL. Souls in well-doing unto him, as into the Hands of d faithful Crer.tor, I Pet. iv. '9· Believers had rather have their Treafure in their Father's keeping, than their own. The. Adverlary might loon rob and undo us, were nor our chief Srore· houle in God. X. Sometimes from a lhong X. God can command Millions of Angels to Tower, a Party is commanded ro deflroy his and his People's Enemies: One of make brave Sallies and Onlets on which, in one Night, flew •Bsooo .ilffj-rians, the Enemy. 2 Kingsxix. 35· and ar anotherTime, cur off all their mighty Men of Valour, Leaders, and Cap· XI. A fhong Tower only faves and proteCts thole that are got into ir.- Others are expofed to the Fury of the Enemy. The Know– legde of its impregnable Strength, gives Courage and Refolmion to Juch as are in it, to bid defiance to the Rage and Malice of all Ene– mies. tains, &c. 2 Cbron . xxxii. 2 I. XI. The Lord (in whole Name is ihong \.on– fidence) is a P lace of Refuge, and £\rong Tower to his dear Children, Prov. xiv. 26. Thole fin. cere Ones that have given themfdves up to him, they are fecure out of the Devil's Gun-fhot, and the Power of Enemies; whilfl: the Hypocrites, and lukewarm Formali£\s, are upon all Occafi– ons expofed to both, Ifa. xxxiii. 14. But the va– liant Soldiers of Jefus within rhe Tower, are ani– mated with fo brave a Courage, that they defpife the Batteries and Affaults of the Enemy, (as was faid concerning blafphemous Senna– cherib :) 'Ihe Virgin, the Daughter of Zion, bath defpifed thee, and laughed thee to fcorn; the Daughter of .Jerufalem bath jhaken her Head at tbee, lfa. xxxvii. 22. For fhe had abfolure Confidence in her Strong-holds, Micah iv. 8. . XII. As a flrong Tower gives XII. God, rhe £\rang Tower, not only infpires Courage and Spirit to thofe that his Soldies with true Valor and Courage, to fee are in it; fo it difpirirs and difat nought all the Powers of Hell; but aifo con– heartens the Befiegers, who after founds and difpirirs their Adverfaries, that they long and fuccefsful Aifaulrs, are are at hfl:, when their bloody perfecuting De– defeated, or beaten quite off. figns prove ineffeftual, forced to give over, and M£ TAP HOR. 1. THE Fabric and Materials of an earthly Tower are fubjeet to decay. II. A £\rang Tower may be beaten down by the Fury of Can– nons, or battering Engines. Ill. A ftrong Tower may be furprifed, if the Watchmen be lleepy or negligent. IV. A £\rang Tower may be berrayed by the Treachery offeem– ing Friends. quit their Attempts again£\ his Church and People." D IS PAR IT Y. I. THE heavenly Tower is incorruptible and everla£\ing, of an infinite and fpirirual Ef– fence, and fo not fubjeCl: to the Decays of Time. II. The heavenly Tower is out of the reach of Hell, and the World's Batteries ; All the Vio– lence in the World cannot fhake it. Ill. The heavenly Tower is beyond all poffi– bility of Surprize; its Watchman never num– bers nor lleeps. IV. God knows the Hearts of all Men, and therefore cannot be deceived. He knows the fe: cret Bent and Inclination of the clofe£\ Hypocrite, and can render their darkefl: Defigns againfl: him or his People ineffeCl:ual, !fa. liv. 17. V. In this Tower is the Bread of Life, and an inexhauftible Fountain: Here the Hungry are filled, and the Thir£\y fatisfied: Here is no fear of Famine, becaufe the Provifion is as eternal as the Souls that need it. V. A fl:rong Tower may be re– duced by .Famine. 3 . In what RefpeCl:s the Name of the Lord may be called a Strong 'Iowcr, take in the following Particulars. The Hebrew Names of God, as Jerome (the be£\ Hebrician of the Fathers) obferves, are Ten : Leigh Grit. Sac. Three come from Bemg, as iJ1;'1' 1· o•;,'?N 6. Jehovah, 'jab, Ehejeh: Three from Power, as El, Eloah, ;,• 2 · 'YlN 7· Elohim: Three from Governing, .ildonai, Shaddai, Jebo· i"l';'lN 3· 'it!l 8 • vah-'J"febaolh; one from Excelling, as Elion. '?N 4· I11N:l~ ;'11;'1' 9· n'?N 5. 11''lll I o. 1. Jebo·vab