)3ook n. G . O rD COM.PA •RED TO A GIANT, !hews hereby the Strength.and Unmoveablenefs of Faith, how unconquerable it is, what Kind of Omnipotency there is in Grace. He would have all the World know, that a godJy Perfon is in vain affaulted by Friends or Enemie,, by Men or Devils, by Wants and Wounds; though he be even benighted in his Spint, though God himfelf takes away the Lio-ht of his Countenance from him, and nms upon him like a Giant; yet ·that over all tl~efe Things God's Grace can make him ll:and, and caufe him to be more than a .Conqueror: For in the Book of job, we may fay, is an Account given of one of the o-reatell: Battles fought, that t \Oer was between Man and Man, between Man and Hell, between God and Man; yet jobwent away with Victory. True Grace is often affauhed, yet never was, nor ever fhall be overthrown or conquered. 4 . God brings his 'Jobs under this fevcre Difpenfation, and then nms upon them like a Giant, that he migbt convince and reprove Satan, and all wicked Men, that continu– ally llander, vilify, atld reproach the Godly, faying, They ferve the Lord for their own Ends, and follow him for Loaves; that they attend upon him for an Ell:ate, or for vain Glory, the pleafant and good Things of this World: Doth Jobferve God (faith Satan) for nought? 'job i. 9· He is a very Hypocrite, though he now feem fo godly: No fuch Zealot as he, bt1t he hath a bafe and felfifh End and Defign in all he cloth : If God do but nm upon him like a Giant, and !hip him of all thefe worldly Comforts which he enjoys, you will then lee what becomes of his Religion : He will curfe God to his Face; Job ii. 5· The Lord did on purpofe catofe thefe Things to be aCted, and to come upon Job, for ever to ll:op the Mouth of Satan and his Servants; to fhew, that his Child– ren follow him for the L ove they bear to him, and for the Excellency they find in him, and in his Ways, and from that Bond and Duty that is incumbent upon them.-Though he !trip them naked of all they have, yet they will cleave to him. 5· God ran thus upon his Servant 'job, that he might become an Example of Pati– ence and Sufferings to future Generations; and that God's People might hence have wherewith to fu!l:ain themfelves under killing, fevere Difpenfations, and not faint when xhey are rebuked of God: For if God thus deals with his beloved 'J•bs, let no Soul give up their Hope, or utterly defpair, who are under the fore!l: and moll: amazmg Difpenfations of the Almighty. Whatjoever was written afore-time, was written for our lnjlruBion, that we through Patience, and Comfort of the Scriptures, might have Hope, R.om. xv. 4· .'J'ake, my Brethren, the Propbets, (faith the Apo!l:le) who have fpoken u11to you in the Name of the L ord, for an Example offuifering /Jjflitlion, and of Patience, 'james v. 10. 6. God thus deals with his dear Children in this World, to increafe and add to their Glory in the ·world to come. AffliCtions here will not go without their Reward here– after. No Believer fhalllofe by fuffering hard Things according to the Will of God. H e cloth it not limply for his own .Pleafure, but for our Profit, that we might be Par· takers of his Holinefs. ·'!'hough at prefent no .lfjfliBion feemeth j o)'OIIs, but grievous, 11everthelejs afterwards it yieldeth the peaceable Fruit of Right.eoufnefs to them that are ex– ercifed thereby, Heb. xii. 10, 11. And hence Paul faith, Our light AifliBion, which is but far a Moment, workethfor us afar more exceeding and .eternal Weight of Glory, 2 Cor. iv. 17. The Inferences are thefe, 1. '!'error. 2. Counfel. 3· Comfort. 1. '!'error. Let all ungodly Men and Women hence tremble; for if God breah his own dear Children thus to Pieces, and runneth upon them like a Giant, how will he come forth in Wrath and Vengeance upon t;hem I Their only way is, to fubmit themfelves at his Foot, whilll: there is Mercy: For when once he is rifen up, and awaketh as one out of Sleep, like a Giant, or mighty Man, that fhouteth by reafon of Wine, he will break their Bones in Pieces, and put them to perpetual Reproach. Wo to that Man that God !l:irs up all his Strength and Wrath again!l:, when his abfolute Delign and Purpofe is to kill and utterly defrroy. God is angry with the Wicked every Day: If he return not, he will whet his Sword; he bath bent his Bow, and made it ready: Hi bath preparedfor them the Injlruments of Deqth, Pfal. vii. 12, 13. 3X 2, Counfel,