Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Cb:D A RE FUG E. Book II. them. 1t is faid of Man, His Foundation is in the Dufl, and he is crujhed before the Moth, Job iv. '9· Indeed, to be crulhed before a Lion is not fo much; bur that he fhould be ear up and devoured by a Mmh, this fhews what poor, weak, and feeble Things, Men and Kingdoms are. What little Reafon is there for Men ro fwell in Pride, ·and high afpiring Thoughts of themfelves, when alas! God is able to caufe Lice or Worms tu def\roy them in a Moment? yea, as weak and contemptible a Thing as a Moth, God can externally or aC\ually make ufe of to ddhoy (if he pleafe) the greatefl People in the World: be they never fo proud and haughty, they are not able to defend themfelves from the fmallef\ Creature; a Worm or Moth may con– fume them. 6. We fee how low God condefcendeth (faith Mr. Burroughs) that he may exprefs his Meaning unto the Children of Men. It is a very f\range Expreflion, for the hiah, glorious, and dreadful God, whom the Angels themfelves adore; yet for this Goct"to fay of himfelf, that he will be as a Moth and Rotlennefs! Dur!1: any Creature have brought God fo low in Expreflion, if we had it not in the Word of God ? Yet this high and glorious God condefcendeth thus low, that he might exprefs himfelf the better unto us, that we might underftand his Meaning. GOD A REFUGE. '/'he Eternal God is thy Refuge, &c. Deut: xxxiii. 27. God is our Refuge and Strength, &c. Pfal. xlvi. I. JN thefe, and many other Texts, God is called a Refuge. To the clearer underftanding of which, we fhall, 1. Shew the Import and Signification of the Word. 2. Give the various Acceptations of it. 3· Shew in what RefpeCI:s the Term is attributed to God, by Way of Parallel. 4· Produce fame Difparities. 5· Draw fame brief Inferences from the Whole. I. This Word is expreffed in Hebrew by m~o. and is by Interpreters fometimes rendered Hope, fometimes fafe Habitation, &c. but commonly Refuge is called in Latin, * Refugium, which is a Place, Perfon, or Thing to which we fly, that we may be fafe from Danger. It fignifies (in the full Latitude of it) any Place of Refcue, Succour, or Safety; it is called in Greek, ""n~"'Y"• and is derived of x'"'"~'"'Yw, perfugio, properly noting a flying to fame Place of Security ; and is indeed a moft fplendid Metaphor, moft fignificantly demonf\rating the Frame of their Minds, who (when on every Side befet with inextricable Troubles) upon the Defpair of human Help, repair to God as their only ~efuge. II. This Word Refuge is put for Security againf\ a Multitude of Enemies, fuch as Ifrael was to be engaged againft in the Land of Canaan. 1. It is put, to quiet and fortify the Mind againft great and amazing Providences, Pfal. xlvi. r. 2. For Prefervation of public Safety and Propriety, from the Invafions of wicked or envious Men, Pfal. xlviii. 3, 4· 3· For Security of Life, in Cafe of Danger, Pfal. lxxi. 7• ro. 4· For Security ofrhe Soul in fpiritual Danger, Heb. vi. r8, '9· 5· For Security againft the Avenger of Blood, by God's Appointment. 6. For Safer')' againft Periecution, Atls xiv. 6. The Apoftles fled for Refuge to the Cities of Lycaonia, &c. III. The Word, in its proper Import is allufive to Security in Cafe of human Perils.; and from thence, by a metaphorical TranOation, is applied to God. For the further Illuftration of which, take the following Parallel. . • Lrigh Crit. Stt.r. PARALLEL.