Book II. GOD MET A PH 0 R. I. THIS word Refuge, implies Perfons in Diftrefs. I!. It alfo implies a Place,Thing, or Perfon, capable to relieve the diftrelfed in their AllliEtion. Ill. A Refuge, that it might be ufeful to diflrelfed ones, ought to be well known. A REFUGE. 271 PAR ALL EL. I. SINNERS, nay, the Godly themfelves, are oft-rimes in grrlt Danger and Diftrefs: In my Dijlrefs [called upoit the Lord, r Sam. xxii. 7· ll. God is the only Refuge, who is fit and ca– pable to relieve them that fly to him. I!f. Thofe who would have God for their Re– fuge in the Day of Trouble, ought to know or underftand what a God he is. God is kizown in her Palaces for a Refuge, Pfal. xlviii. 3· And they that know his Name, will put their 'Truft in him, P(a!. ix. 10. IV. It is necelfary alfo that a ReIV. God is near to all that tall upon him, that call fuo-e be not far off, when Dangers upon him in 'Truth, Pfal. cxlv. 8. Not only a God approach. · afar off, but a God at hand, Jer. xxiii. 23. V. A Refuge ought to be of V. God is a Refuge infinite in Strength, able fufficient Strength, to fave or feto fave all to the uttermoft, who by Chrijl Jefus cure from the Power and Rage ·of fly to him, Heb. vii. 25. the o-reareft Enemy. VI. ARefuge fecures againft a Multitude of Enemies. .lfrael had many Thoufands, nay, Millions, efpecially when they came to en– counter with the feven Nations of Canaan; it was then God told them, He would be a Refuge or Safety to them, Deut. xxxiit. 12, 33· VI. God fecures his Church and People from innumerable Multitudes of infernal, internal, and external Enemies. Edom, the Jjhmae!ites and Moab, the Hagarws, Geba!, .dmmon, Ama!ek, with the Inhabitants of 'Tyre, were all confederate againfl: God's lfrae!, Pfa!. lxxxiii. 4, 5, 6, 7· yet by being in this glorious Refuge, they were fafe. VII. God fecures his People from theWrat!: of the King of Darknefs, whogoes up and down like a roaring Lion, feeking whom he may devour, I Pet. v. 6_ and from the Wrath of .dntichrijl, that bloody Beaft, and Firft-born of He!!. And were it not for this Refuge, we had long ago been deftroyed. VII. A Refuge fecures from the Wrath of a King, which is as the Roaring of a Lion. When David was purfued by enraged Saul, he was forced to fly to Places of Re– fuge, gets fometimes into a Cave, another Time into a Rock, by which Means he efcaped; which he afcribes to God, 2 Sam. xxii. I, 2, 3, 4· VIII. A Refuge is good to quiet VII I. God being the Saints Refuge, greatly and fortify the Mind againft any animates, encourages, and fortifies their Minds, amazing Providences; when the againft all the dreadful and amazing Difpenfa– angry Heavens, with their direful tions of God: When ther. are Signs in the Sun, Motions, threaten the Earth, and and in the Moon, and in the Stars, and on the Earth, Horror feizes upon all Hearts, and Blood, Fire, and Vapor of Smoke: When there is Palenefs covers their Faces. Dijlrefs of Nations, with Perplexity, the Sea and the Waves roaring, and Mens Hearts failing for Fear, and for looking after thofe 'Things which are coming upon the Earth: For the Powers of Heavenjhall bejhaken, Matt.xxiv. 29. Luke xxi. 25, 26. In fuch a· Day as this the Godly are fecured, and, with David, fay, Under the Shadow of thy Wings will I make my Refuge, until thefe Calamities are over-paft. I will both lay me down in Peace, and Sleep; for ti,Jou, Lord, makeft me to dwelt in Safety, Pfal. lvii. I. and iv. 8. IX. Refuges are for the PreferIX. God, as a Refuo-e, preferves the public vation of Public Profperity, from Profperity and Weal of his Church and People, the Envy and Malice of Enemies. from the Envy of Devils, and other implacable Enemies. Lo, the Kings were aJ!emb!ed, they paf– fed by together, (faith David) they marvelled and were troubled, Fear took hold on them: Why, what is the Matter? Becaufe God difcomfits them: 'They are brokm in Pieces, and cannot deftroy the Joy of Mount Zion: How comes this about? God is known in her Palaces for a Refuge. Pfa!. xlviii. 3· X.ARefugefccuresandpreferves X. God is a Refuge, who faves from Death, the Life, when in Danger: when and fecures our Lives from the Deftroyer, and David's Life was purfued, he fled bloody-minded Men. Babylon always thirfts after, and