Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

GOD A REFUGE. Book Il. M E T A P H 0 R. P A R A L L E L. for Refuge, &c. The like of the and is ready to fpill the Blood of God's Children. Man-flayer. I and were it not that they are preferved under th; . . Wings of the Almighty, or fecured by his o-lorwus Arm, they had been cut off Root and Branch before now, ?fal. cxlii. 2, 3· " XL A Place or Ctty of Refuge XI. 7ehovah ts a Refuge, m and throughChrift was provided againft the Avenger againft Confcience, \Vrath, and the Law, wh~ of Blood, by the Appointment of accufe and purfue poor Sinners ; and this by the God, for the Retreat of the ManAppointment of God: Neither is there Help or flayer. Suecor for them any where elfe. Afls iv. r 2. XII. The Ways to the Cities of XII. 1 here is a plain Vvay made to God the Refuge were to be made thirty-two Father, (this hlelfed Refuge) for Sinners, through Cubtts broad; and all Stumblingthe Blood of Jefus, all !>tumbling-blocks and Ob– blocks, and other Impediments ftructions being removed. Eph. ii. 18. Heb. x. '9· taken thereout. See Chrift the Way. Xlll. The Ways to the Cities XIII. God hath made fuch Provifion, and laid. of Refuge were made eafy to find;* down fuch clear DireCtions leading to himfelf, in at every Partition, or crofs Turnthe holy Scripture, that no wife and wary Man mgs, they fet. a Writing, Refuge, can miftake orlofe his Way. Refuge.f XIV. The Man-flayer was to fly with fpeed to the City of Re– fuge, left thcPurfuer overtook him. XV. The Man-flayer was not only to fly to the City of Refuge, but to get into it, and abide there, till the Death of the High-Prieft then living. XVI. Thofe that were got into the City of Refuge, betore the Avenger of Blood overtook them, were fafe, and delivered from Death. METAPHOR. I. Q THER Refuges fave or fe– cure only from human Vio· lence and Danger. IL Other Refuges may not be ready at hand, nor quickly found in Time of Calamity. Ill. Other Refuges may not be out of the Reach and Attack of the Enemy, nor be ftrong enough to fecure againft AlfauIts. XIV. Thofe that would find Refuge in God, mu!I not negleCt flying to him by Faith and Re– generation : How jhall we efcape if we neglell fo great Salvation? Heb. ii. 2. XV. Thnfe that would find Refuge in God, muft not abtcle without in a vifible Profeffion, and go no further, but get a Dwdli~g in theAl– mighty, and there abide as long as they live. See God a Habztation. XVI. Thofe that get to God, by the Blood and Mediation of Jefus, before Wrath and Ven-· oeance overtake them, or Death cut them off, are fafe, and graciouOy delivered from eternal Dearh. There is no Condemnation to them that are i11 Cbrift ]efus, &c. Rom. viii. 1. D IS PAR IT Y. I. GOD is a Refuge, that faves and delivers from fpiritual and eternal Dangers. I!. God is a Refuge that is always at hand, and to be found by all fuch as feek him timely, be– fore the Day of Grace be over. !11. God is a high and ftrong Refuge. Hence David refolved to make his Refuge under the Wings of the Almighty, Pfal. lvii. t, 2. by which Phrafe (as fame obferve) he compares the Lord to an Eagle, (to which he is refembled in Deut. xxxii. 1 1.) snd himfelf to one of the Eagle's Young. The Eagle mounts aloft, dwells on high. No Man (fai_th Plilzy) can reach or touch the Ea~le's Nelt,_ being made upon (or rather in) the Chfts of the macceffible Rocks. She abzdeth (as fatth ]ob) on the Crag of the Rock, and jlrong Place: ]ob xxxix. 28. There fhe hides her young Ones, who are fafe enouo-h: But a godly Man, who makes his Refuge in the Rock of Ages, under the Wino-s of God's Providence and Protection, is far more fecure. rV'. Many Men fly to Perfons IV. God is a Refuge that will not deceive the and · Things for Refuge, which Soul, whofoevcr it be, that flies to him; nor ever greatly deceive them. They famedid fail anywh? took up SanCtuary inhim. God times make Go)d and Silver thelf cannot fat! m Ius Ability to fave, he ts mfimte tn Hope;truft in theirTracles,Friends, Power; he cannot fail in \Vifdom, becaufe he is t Mr. Aitt,jv.·orth. • See ~ir. Goodwin' Mofis and Aaron. All-