Book II.. G 0 D AN H 0 u s H 0 L D E R. 275 METAPHOR. V. A goodHou01older fets Things in o-ood Order, leaves nothing con· fuf~d, to occafion ~arrelling and Strife; fets all i~ their proper Pla– ces: His eldeft Son and Firft-born is made. the Chief; rhe reil: of the Children and Servants are made In– feriors ro him; he is called, tile Ex– cellency of Dignity, Gen. xli)(. 3· PARALLEL. V. God, the great and good Houfholder, hath fer all Things in Order, both in the upper and lower World; who is not a God of Confujion, but of Order, in all the People of his Family, I Cor. xiv. 33· Chrilt his Firft. born is not only King, even the King of the Earth, but the King of An– gels ; he is theHead of all Principalities and Powers, I Col. i. 16. Eph. i. 20, 2 1. Angds next ro him, above Men, Men God'' Reprefentatives and Vice– gerents, aboveWomen: The Man is the Head of the Woman, Parents the Head of their Offspring, and Children above the Servants, and all thefe above the Beafts of rhe Field, or creeping Things of the Earrh. VI. A good Hou!holder !hews VI. Even thus hath God, the great and good and appoints his Family their Work; Hou!ho!Jer, done to all his Family. He hath ap– fome to be employed in the Houfe, pointed his Firlt-born to be a Mediator, a Prie(l-, fame in rhe Barn and Stable, and an Advocate, to inAuence the Go!pel ancj Word; fame in the F1dd. his Angels to protec1; his People in Love to ferve o ne another, and bear one anothers Burdens; Women to bear Children and nurfe them, and to be meer Helps to their Hufbands; Parents to love their Children, to lvJnor their Parents; Servants and Subjecrs to obey their Supreme; and all thefe to adore God, and Children obey the Lord Jefus Chri!l-. VII. A good Houfholdermakerh VII. God, this gn~at Hou01older, harh made good Provi!ion for the Subfiltence Provi Gon for his greatand large Family: 'IheEyes of his Family; he knowerh that of all 'Things look up and t.rufl in him, he gives tbem they cannot labor without Sulktheir Meat in due Seafon: J;z my Fatber's Houfe is nance and Supplies. Meat enougb, and to Jpare. Heavenly Manna, as Meat and Food for Angels; heavenly Ft>od, as the Bread of Life for the Saints; earthly Food, as Corn, \.Vine and Oil, for Men; Grafs and Herbs, &c. as Meat for Bealts, &c. His Hand gives all 'Ihings needful. If in the Houfe, he feeds them ; if in rhe Field, he feeds them, and fills them with good T hing<, &c. VIII. A good Hou!holder keeps his Place, leaves nor his Family when Difcord happens amongft them; he accounts it his Work to heal and firengthen, not to deftroy a Houfe. VIII. God keeps his Place in Heaven: Though Angels fall our and go tO War; though Men dif~ fer, the Heavens Onke, the Mountains remove, the Winds blufter, rheWavesof theSearoarand rage; yet the Lord is in Heaven, and he beholds all Diforders of Men, and rtill keeps his Place in perfecr Tranquillity, and move~ not; for the Goqd of his whole 1-lou!hold depends upon it; tor if it were poffible for the immoveable God to leave his Place, all would become a Piece of Confufion. 1X. A good Hou!holdcr lays out Ground for his Servants Ernploy– nrent, and Family's Supply; one Place for a Vine, and another for a Garden, with others for Fields and Meadows, for Hay, &c. X. A wife and good Hou!holder contrives the beft Situation, as well as the belt Methods of Accommo– dation, for his Hou!hold ; plants them as near as may be to l'ools, Rivers, pleafant Streams, and fruit– ful Springs, where fuch are, .or may be formed and made. XI. A good and wife Hou!holder teacheth and in!hm'teth his Hoof– hold in good Manners, and fit Be: IX. God, the wife Houfholder, hath fer out the Church fo r a Vineyard and Garden, digged a Wine-.prefs, and huilt a Tower, !fa. v. I. the vVorld for a plowed Field; the wife and beft Men, both Divines, Philofophers, Naruralifts and Hiltorians, to yield a fruitful Crop of Teaching and lnftrucrion, to fupply his great Hou!hold. X. God, the mort wife and good H ou!holder, hath contrived the Situation of his Family, near adjoining to thefe great Convcniencies, of ftill and ftanding Pools, pleafant and gliding Streams, conftanr riling and ilfuing Springs, for lncreafe of Knowledge, and ftanding Laws and Government, eftabli!hing the Truth of Religion and Piety, as pleafant Streams, and ilfuing Springs, for Increaft: of Knowledge. · XI. God, the great and wife Hou!holder, teacheth, inftrucreth, gives forth his Law, !hews them what is good, and required of them; charges his