G 0 D All H 0 tJ S H 0 L b E R.. Book II. M E T A P H 0 R. P A R A L L E L. prevent Dif1:urbance. David would of the Kingdom; puts a Difference between Egypt not let a wicked Man dwell with and Ifrael; fecludes Hymeneus and Philetus, Hy– him, nor a Liar ftay in his Houfe. pocrites and H eretics, and all unclean Perfons, Some will divorce a Wife, when that the Peace of the Family may be preferved i fhe proves treacherous. /lbraham hath threatened, they that trouble it fhall bear their turnedor caftout the Bond-woman, Judgment, whoever they be. God divorced the and her Son. Church of Ijrael, &c. XXVI. A wife Houfl:10lder XXVI. God upon this Ground hath (thotlgh fometimes becomes an Enemy to he accounts it hisflrange Work) turned to be an thofeof his own Family, when his Enemy to thole of his own Houfhold; and hath Patience is abuted, and they ftand not only cart them out, but drawn his glitterina out by large Provocations. Sword, made fharp by whetting, bent his Bow" and prepared his Arrows upon the String, mad~ fick .in fmiting, and utterly detiroyed, as in the Cafe of Ifrael, Judah, and Jerufalem. XXVII. A wife and good HoufXXVII. God Jware in his Wrath, that they holder dot!} in his Wrath famejhould not enter into his Refl; and left them to Ex– times [wear againf1: Reconciliation, peBation offiery Indignation. and future Acceptance. XXVIII. A wife and good Houiholder,fometimes and in fame Cab, calls off all Care and Pity, fa as to inrerpofe againf1: Evil or Dangers that may befal from with– out, but gives up to fearful Ruin. XXVIII. Thus God dealt with Ifrael and Judah, gave Jacob to the Spoil, and lfrael to the Robbers, and was fo far from interpofing between them and Danger, that he gave them up to fear– ful Ruin from the Chaldeans, and to the Romans, in the Time of Jofephus; declaring that his Eye ilJould not pity, neither would he have Mercy. And as to particular Perfons, David told Solomon, that if he forfook God, God would cat\ him off for ever. Thus thole are confounded, even as Judas lfcariot was, and as Jcfus Chrifl fpeaks of the Branches that abide nor, They are cafl off; and Men gather them, and they come to Burning; and as Salt, when good for nothing, is caf1: to the Dunghill, and trodden under foot. XXIX. A good and wife Houf– holder is ready to have his Actions tried, and refufeth not to come be– fore a Judge, or before the Deter– mination of tolerable indifferent Perfons. XXIX. God, that he might be juf1:ified in all his Actions, hath appointed a general J udgmenr, to bring forth his 'Norks and Actions, that he may clear himfelf, and overcome when he is judged. Hence it is faid, He bath appointed a Day in which he willjudge the World in Righteoufnefs, /lets xvii. 3 I. call all his Houfhold to Account before the Angels, and there make his J uf1:ice fhine as the Sun at Noon, in Refpect of all his Pro– vidences and Difpenfations. XXX. A good and wife HoufXXX. God certainly rewards all Men for wellholder renders Rewards and Endoing, borh in this World, and that which is to coura<>ement to his Family, and come. Verily, jha/1 one fay, there is a Rewardfor Serva~ts that do well : Be thou the Righteous, when there is a God that judges in Ruler over much; enter- into the the Earth: 'Ihe Righteous jhall be recompenfed in 'J'Y of thy Lord. the Earth. Godlinefs bath the Promife of the Life that now is, and that which is to come. METAPHOR. I. AN Houfholder in this World hath but a fmall Family, though never fo great a Perfon : Solomon was the greateft we read of, yet fmall in Comparifon, &c. D IS PAR IT Y. I.GOD hath a very great Family, as numerous as the Stars, or the Sand of the Sea : 'Ihe God of the whole Eartbjha!l he be called: 'The Earth is the Lord's, and the Fulnefs thereof. 'Ihe Fathers and the Children are all his, and the whole World receives great Bmefits by him, &c. He gives all their Meat in due Seafon; He makes the Sun to jhine, and the Rain to fall, on the Juft and U;yufl. !I. An Houfl:10lder in this !I. But God is abfolute Head and Lord, unWorld is bll! a Steward under anader no Commiffion, neither in Subjection to any. ~her, &c. - Ill. God