Book II. G 0 D A 'N H 0 u s H 0 L D E R. M ETA P HO R. TII. AnHoufholderin this World wants Wifdom, and may be defec– tive in Refpect of Government over his Houfhold. IV. An Houfholder cannot of himfelf make his Family. V. An Houlbolder in thisWorld cannoc communicate Strength, nor fecure from falling by Sicknefs or Death, till they have finifhed the Work which he harh committed to them. VI. An Houfholder in thisWorJd may be taken away from his Houf– hold by human Force, or by Sick– nefs and Death. VII. An Houlboldec in this World may be from home, about other Bufinefs, not all times doing his Family good. D IS PAR IT Y. III. God is infinitely wife and good, perfect in Knowkdge, hath all Treafures of Wifdom and Knowledge, hath Depths of Wifdom and Know– ledge, unfearchable, and paft finding •out. It is impofiible for him to err or mifcarry in any Cafe, his Way is perfec'l:. IV. But God is the Maker of his Family, from the higheft to the lowcft: 'l'hou haft made us, and not we ourftlves, &c. V. But God is able to make all Grace abound, to make the Arms of their Hands ftrong, to re– new their Strength like the Eagle: to make the Weak become as David, and David as the Angel of God ; fo as to run and not be weary, to walk and not faint. VI. God is always abiding, as he hath no_Be– ginning of Days, nor End of Life: He is the eternal and ever living God. VII. God is never from home about other Bu– finefs, cannot be out of the Way of doing his Family good; becaufc every where prefent, on Earth as wdl as in Heaven : He fills his own Work, therefore promifed to be with them in the Fire, and in the Water, and promifed never to leave them nor forfake them. VIII. An Houlbolder in this VIII. But God the Keeper of Ifrael, neither World, though he be at home, fiumbers nor llecps; for Night and Day, the Dark and well, yet he may be afieep, and and the Light, are alike to him ; and between Evil come in the fame Inftant. the Land and the Sea there is no Difference: For his Ways are in the Dark, in the Deep; and his Footjleps are in the mighty Waters. IX. An Houfholder may be ta– ken away captive, or forced to fly from his Family: though as vali– ant as David, as wife as Solomon, as great and mighty as Belfhazzar and Darius. X. An Houfholder cannot al– ways preferve his Family in Peace, nor give them everlafting Rewards. IX. But God, yea, the omnipotent God, can– not be invaded, nor carried away captive; he keeps his Place, and is immoveable. None hath an Arm like God ; and by Strength, nor no other Way, fhall any prevail over ,him. God is omni– potent, powerful, invincible, &c. X. But God, the Preferver of Men, and of the Souls of his Saints, can fo preferve in Peact", that none dares approach to rob his Family of it. God gives his Family Confolation and good Hope here, and Reward or Inheritance hereafter, which fhall never fade away, nor be taken from them. I N F E R E N C E & 1. JF God be an Houfholder, we infer againit Epicurus, that ~e is and muft be concerned m the Alfms of this lower World; why otherw1fe fhould all Things look up to him, as tht> Pfalmift faith? and how fhould they be cared for, o.nd provided for, as Cluilt himfelf, and Sr. Pattl aver? God gives not his Spirit once, and no more; but it is given to his People daily and hourly; it is that gives us our daily and com– mon Bread, and taketh care of us, &c. 2. We infer, how greatly ignorant moft of the World are, in that they ao not ac– count it a great Privilege to be under the Conduct of God, and enquire what they fhould do to pleafe him. . 3· What a mighty Bleffing and Privilege they have who are under his Conduct, that IS able to do all Manner of Good for them in this VVorld, and reward them with ever– lafl:ing Life in the World to come. 4- How miferable they will be that are caft out from his Care and Conduct, or that do abide our, and come not in by accepting his Terms, and endeavor lO pleafe him,