OvA METONYMY oF THE ADJUNCT. Ilook I. '!'he DEVIL is faid to be the God of this World, 2 Cor. iv. 4· becaufe he boail:s Ihac the Kingdoms of this World are at his Difpofal, Matth. iv. 8, 9· Luke iv. 6, 7· and becaufe Idolaters eil:eemed him a God, viz. in their Idols, as Chemnitius * fays. He is called the God of this World, as a Dog is called the God of Epypt, becaufe he was ;vorfhiped for a God. So rhe Belly is called God, beraufe Men took more Care ro provide for it,. than- to ferve God, Phi/. iii·. 19, &c. Gal. i. 6. Falfe teaching is called another Gofpe/, becaufe fame Men thought it fo, whereas it is ~tally (as Verfe 7.) a perverting the Gofpel. Epimenides is called the Prophet of the Cretans, '!'it. t. 12. becaufe they acccutired him fo, and after his Death facrificed to him, as L aertius wimeffes. External Profeffion is called Faith, Jam. ii. 14, 17, 20, 24, z6. becaufe Men are apt fO refi, in it as f~fficient for Salvation, See Jude xii. 3, &c.. In Verbs, Mattb. iv. 9· '!'he King (vi·z. Herod) was forry, that is, he counterfeited Sorrow; for Verfe 5· ir is faid, hefeared the Multitude, when he would put John Baptift to Death, of whom the People had a very great El1eem; fo that this Sorrow was noihirrg elfe but artificial and feigned. · · · . It is faid,. Mark vi. 48. '!'hat Chr;fl wottld have pajfed by I hem, (viz. his Difciples at Sea) that is, he feemed to pafs by, or fuch was the Poil:ure and Motion of his Body as if he would pafs by, John iii. 30. He muft imreaft, but 1 muft decreaft; this increaf– ing and decreafing is !poke with RefpeCl: to the Opinion of Men, who had extraordi– nary Eil:eem of John hitherto, and vilified Chrift, otherwife fpeaking according to the Nature of the Thing, John Baptift was notdiminifhed by the Increafings ofChrift, but afterwards derivod his own Increafings from his Fulnefs. Acts xxvli. 2 7. 'The Shipmtn deemed thatJome Cou11try drew near to them (fa it is in the Greek "'eo~a-ym appropinquarejibi aliquam Regio11em) becaufe the Shore feems to move and draw near to them which are at Sea; but it is to be underftood that they drew near Land. So Vitgil 3JEneid. Provehimur portu, terra:que urbefque receduut, that is, we fail from the Port, and the Lands and Cities go back. . Jujoined Word:, ot an rntire Phrafe, Pfal. lxxii. 9· His E>temics jha/1 lick the Duft, that is, they fhall be fo in,lining and proil:rate towards the Earth, that they !hall feem to lick the Du£1: of the Earth, which is a Defcription of Fear and Subjection. So !fa. x)ix. 23. and Micah vii. 17, &c.-Ifa. xiii. 5· '!'hey .fha/1 come from afar Country from the End (or extreme Part) of Heaven.~This Phrafe is raken from the Opinion of the Vulgar, who (led by the Guefs of the Eye) think that Heaven is not fpherical (or round) but hemifpherical, ending at the Extremes of the Earth, upon which the End or Extremes of Heaven feem to lean, or be fiaid upon, fo that the End of Heaven is put for the End of the Earth, or remoteft Places; you have the fame Phrafe, Deut. iv. 32. and xxx. 4. Neh. i. 9· tMatth. xxiv. 31. This Expofition may be confirmed by the Places where Mountains are called the Foundations ofHeaven, as 2 Sam. xxii. 8. Becaufe at a great Diil:ance the Heavens fee m as it were to reil: upon them. They are called the Pillars of Heavm, Job xxvi. II. becaufe Heaven feems to be propt by them as by Pillars. 5· '!'he Occupate jut for i6e Object. SENSE is put fat its Object, or the Thing which is perceived by Senfe, as HEARING ·, is put for Doctrine or Speech, Ifa. xxviii. 9• Whom .fha/1 he teach Knowledge? Ar.d whom .fha/1 he make to underjfand Heari11g? fo the Hebrew, that is, Doctrine, or the Word, !fa. liii. r. Who hath believed o11r Hearing? that is, our Doctrine or Speech, or as we tranflate it, R eport? So is "'"'" Hearing raken, John xii. 38. Rem. x. r 6. Gal. iii. 2, 5· Hearing is put for Rumor or Famt, Pfa!. cxii. i· Jfa. xxviii. 19. Ezek, vii .. 26. • LofO de treationt, p. I 19. t Vatablns in Nth. 1, 9· FinU~r fi'1Jt bm·:tfJn 1tojlri l:tmi}il•ttrii ,..,... d~!Nr contit!ztrt eam Rtgionem, ruam urminato .9bad.