Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

OF A METAPHOR I N G!::N'ERAL. Book t jefus to be a King, even before his Crucifixion, as he afterwards attributed a royal Name and Honor to him in the lnfcription upon the Cro!s, that we .may undcrfl:and that he therefore died, becaufe he is our King, and that the Government is upon his Shoulders, !fa. ix. 6, &c. Afls xxiii. 5· '!'hen faid Paul, I wifl not Brethren, that be was the High Priefl, upon which Words we will tranfcribe the Paraphrafe of the learned Rivet. * I know there are many who aflert that the Apoftle fpoke this by an Irony, becaufe when he lived a– mong the Pharifees, and being himfelf a Pharifee, although the Perfon fhould be un– known to him, yet by the Manner of that Court's fitting; he could not but judge who among them was Chief or High Prieft, having fl id, Verfe 3· '!'hat he fat to judge him after the Law. But to me it feems more probable, that Paul, hearing a Voice tram fame of thofe that fat to judge (for the Priefts and all the Council came, as Afls xxii. 30.) and not knowing from whom it came, fpoke fo. He judged it not to come there– fore from the High Prieft, becaufe fo hafty and rafh a Signification of Offence did noc become his Office and Amhority, nor was fuch a Speech of (at leafl: difi'embled) Sanc– tity like to proceed from him. It is therefore plain that this Council was not convened in the accu!lomed Place, where the Judicatory Order and Debates were deligned or. afiigned to be according to every ones Dignity and Merit, but near the Tower, whither they were called from the Tribunal wherePaul was, which is indicated in the 30th Verfe of the preceding Chapter. And he commanded the Chief Prieft and all the Council to appear (in the Greek it is ,,.Q..,, to come) Paul therefore hearing a Voice from that Company, denounces God's Punifhment to the Speaker; for all they that came with the High Priefl: fat to judge. See alfo Fr. Junius para!. i. 98, &c. I Car. vi. 4· If thm ye have Judgment (or Judicatories) af'I'hings pertaining to this Life, Jet them to judge who are /eafl efleemed in the Church. Some fay that thefe Words are an· Irony, becaufe Paul fays, Verfe 5· I jpeak to )'OUr Shame (or Blufhing). But it is more probable that the Apofl:le fpoke fcriouOy. Erafmus upon the Place fays, '!'he Apaflle JPcaks thus, becaufe he would not have Chrijlians to colltend before the Wicked, but that they jhauld rather choofe the meallejl Chriflian as all Arbitrator of their Caufe, than wraligle before tbafe Tribunals. Aretius upon the Place fays, '!'he /Jpaflle delivers his Mmd about wbat the;• Jhould do, for they alledge thus, you prohibit us to try our Calllraverjies before the Heathen 'J'ribu~tals, but where jhall 1oe have a competent and capable Judge? '!'he Church not only wants a Magiflracy, but alfo Perfans fit to determine and compofe fuch Dif– ferellces as ours. '!'he Apaflle anf,;;ers, that the latter is untrue, becaufe the meaneft Chrijlian in theft Matters has a Right of Equality with the greatrft. '!he Dignity of the Cburch is great, far Pauljudges the Meaneft worthy of the Office of being Judges, rather than appeal to a heathen Judge, What Jhal! we not therefore hope from Superiors? But that Phrafe, Verfe 5· "I'' "'I"'"' "I'" '-''Yw (I jpeak it to ;·our Shame) is thus well ex– pounded by Aretius. 'Ibis is a new Argument taken from public Shame; for to wrangle or go to Law, before a Pagan Judge, was no lefs than to bring a Scandal upon the Church: Therefore there is a Caution given againfl that, and becauje it brought Occajian of Shame upon the Church, therefore tbe Apafl/e Jays defervedly, I jpeak it to your Shame, &c. C H A P. VI. Of a MET A PHOR in GENERAL; Q F a Metaphor in general, let the following Things be noted; 1. As to its Dl'jinition~ it is faid to be a 'J'ROPE , whm a Ward is tranjlated from its proper and genuine Signification to another lefs proper. Or when like is jignified by like. Fabius Lib. viii. C. 6. calls it a Jhart Similitude. There are other Definitions, but all to this Senfe. Some in handling the Definition of this Tropc tell us, that a jVfetapbor ~ luljag g. 1 a:i Scriptur. Sacr. r.::t, Seil.S. may