Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

AN ANT HR 0 P 0 PATHY. Book I. S'l'EPS are attributed to Chriftbefore his Incarnation, Pfalmlxxxix. 5i. Wherewith they have reproached the Footjltps of thine Anointed, that is, the Documents of the Mejjiah * dwelling in us, who by his 'Word raifes us up, and comforts us· In his Pro– miles of coming in the Fltfh, and to Judgment, &c. Others fay, that it is meant of fame, who by Way of Derifion, reproached the Jvfejjias for the Delay of his Coming, as proceeding with too !1ow a Pace, rhar ts, rhat he, would never come. ·:the Chaldee– They reproach and dtfgrace the !1olv Steps of rhe Feet of rhy Chnft, .&c. Thus tnuch of rhe Parts of a Man, and the Members of his Body, which I lhaii conclude in the remarkable Words of 'l'ertullian's "!- (if that Book of rhe Triniry be his) Divin£ Efficacies (fays he) are lhewn by Mem2ers, not lh~ habit or corporeal Lineaments of God- By his Eyes we are to underfland that he fees all 'I'hings, and by his Ears that he hears all Things; by his Fingers fome Significations of his Will and Mind; by his Noftrils, his favory Reception of Prayers as fweet qaors; by his Hand, his active and qeatirig Power; by his .Lfrm, his irrifiltil:ile Strength; by his Feet, his Ubiquity, &c. For Members or their particular Offices are not necelfary to him, whofe tacit Pleafure commands a ready Obedience from all Things. What needs he Eyes who is liaht it– felf? What needs he Feet who is every where? Why.would hego in, when ther~isnot a Place out of which he can go ? What OccaGon has he for Hands, when his lilent Will is the Builder, Contriver, or Architect. of all Things? What needs he Ears, who knows eveR the malt fecret Thoughts ? Or a 'J'ongue, when his very Thoughts are Commands? \ Thefe Members ~re necelfary for Men, not for God, becaufe Man's Purpofes are ineffectual, without the Affiftance <(f Orf!;ans to ~a by, but God's bare Will is Action producmg Effects at bts meer Pkafure. To conclude, he is all Eye becaufe every Part of him fees all; all Ear, becatJfc every Part of him hears all, &c. ' Huma11 AffeCtions afcribed to God. HERE we mul1: note the difference of human Affe[iiom, for lome are attributed tcr · God, as being truly in him, yet not in that imperfeCt Mannet or t Way of Acci– dent, as they are in Man, but far more purely a,nd eminently, and that§ elfentially and fubftantially too. And fo all words which exprefs human Alfefflons, are firft to be feparated from all Imperfeftions, and then underltood of God. The Words of Au– guRin 11 are notable : The Anger of a ·Man (fays h,e) caufes a Difturbance and a Torment in his Mind; but the Wrath of God executes its Vengeance with a perfect Equity ·and Tranquillity, void of all Difturbance; the Mercy of Man has fame Mixture of Heart . mifery, and from thence in the Latin Tongue hath its Derivation. The Apoftle ex– horts not only to rejoice with the rejoicing, but alfo to weep with them that weep. But what Man of a found Mind can fay that God can be touched with any Anxiety or Tor– ture oi Mind, the Scripture every where affirming him to be full of Mercy. The Zeal · of Men is ofren tainted with a Mixture of Spight, Envy, or fome other diforderly Paf– lion; but it is not fo with God, for though his Zeal is exprelfed by the fame Word, yet it is not in the fame Manner with the Sons of Men. . The Words of Chemnitius ~ deferve Notice, Scholars (faith he) by a depraved Applica– tion of that Rule, that** Accidents have no Placem God, have taken away all AJ!eflions from bim; and that moft Jweet Confo/ation _(Ho f. XI. 8, 9· My Heart is turned within me, my Repentings are kindled together. I wtll not execute the Fiercenefs of mine Anger, I will not return to deftroy Ephraim, (for I am God and not Man) they Pjjirm foould be taken according to EJfeflion not AffeCtion. It is true indeed, that Accidenrs have no Place in God, his Commiferarion is not fuch an Affection as our$; but in Regard his Mercy • Documtntn ha6itm;tis h: nobis M'.!Jitt:, ut 'fUOd<Verbofuo, trigit tt/oltlfur, &£, t TertuL Lib. de Trinit. folio, 601. Ejjicaciee Divinte ttr membra monjlrantur, f:J<, .t Ptr modum auidmris. ·• · ' · ~ Pe1· mqJumtflintirefiufiJjlanti~r. 11 Tom. iv.}ib. :z. ad Simplicianum. qu:sft. z. MfirhrrJia, 'iuafi mifiria e~rtlit. ~ ln loc. Theolog. P· '9· u In Dc11m 11on cadit 1ucidmt. is