Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

)'art I. 1 AN A N T HR 0 P 0 PATH Y• . 53 .without Deliberation, or a folid Foundation laid, and bragging of extraordinary Mat– ters) has him in contempt, and, as it were his Sleeve, expeCts an tmhappy Event, that is to fay, when this Mountain fhall bnng forth a Moufe, as IS vulgarly fpoken. So Men deride an Enemy that threatens, when he has no Strength or Power to execute !1is Menaces. But this Phrafe notes the moft wife Providence of God whiCb fliahts the Folly of his Enemies, whom he tolerates for a Time, and to whofe Malict .he ha~h appointed Bounds?.and atthe appointed Seafon, confound~, tramples on, and de,. ftroys them. As it IS latd of wicked and ftubborn Men, Pr~v; ': 26. I wzll alfo laugh at )'Our Calamity, I will mock when your Fear cometh. By w!uch 1s to be underftood, the NealeCl: and RejeCtion of the Wicked in their Adverfity. As 1f he had faid-Even as you 0 negleCt and dtfpife my wholefome Admoni~i?ns, fo will I defpife and negleCt your Applications, and reJect you when your Calammes come, &c. KISSING is afcribed to God, when the Speech is of the Son of God incarnate, M Cant. i. 2. Where the optative Words of the myftical Spoufe, viz. the Church are had, let him kifi me with the Kijfes of his Mouth. Upon which Place the Chaldee fays, that it is allufive to God's fpeakmg Face to Face to the Ifraelites, as a Man does to his Friend and kilfes him for Love. But more truly- it is to be underftood or expounded of the Promulgation or Publifhing of the Gofpel by the Son of God made Man, John i, I 7• 18. I :rim. i. IO. Heb. i. 1, &c. Solomon fays, Prov. xxiv. 26. 'l'bat every Man jhall kifs his Lips that giveth a right Anfwer, which by* Way of Eminency is applicable to him, of whom it is faid, lfa. xl. 40. 'l'he Lord bath given him the 'l'ongue of the Leamed, that he jhould know how fq fpeak a Word in Seafon to him that is •weary-and Pfal. xlv. 2. Into whofe Lips Grace is poured, Jehovah kijfed (that is fhewed intimate Tokens of his Love to) his People in the Old 'l'eftammt 'l'imes, by many Appearances, and by M ofes, Prophets, apd Angels, em– ployed to make Difcoveries of him, but this came !hart of this Kifs, which the Church (under the Term of Spouje) here defires. Let him kifi me with the Kijfes of his Mouth, that is, let him comfort me with a Manifell:ation more eminent than the former, viz. {)f Chrill:'s Coming into the Flelh, and complearing the Work of Redemption. The Paraphrafe of Origm t upon this Text is-How long will my Spoufe fend me Kilfes by Mofes, and the Prophets? Now I long to have them, perfonally of himfelf~ let him alfume my natural Shape, and kifs me in the Flefh according to the Prophe– cies, !fa. vii. I4· Behold a Virgin jhall conceive, and bear a Son, and jhall call his Name Immanuel, fo that this is a Prayer for the Incarnation of Chrift, the blelfed Spoufe, and Bridegroom of our Souls, Heb. i. x. To this divine Kijs by a mutual Relation Faith anfwers, Cant. viii. 1. 0 that thou wert as my Brother, that fucked the Brea.ft of my Mo– ther; whm J.fhouldjindthee without, IwouldKifs thee? By which the fincere Love of the Church, and the unblemithed Obedience of Faith is underftood. Pfal. ii. I2. Kifs the Son left he be angry, by which the Kings of the Earth, and the Potentates in the World are inftructed to yield Homage and Obedience to .the King of Glory, Chrift the Son of God, being exhibited in the World. For in former Times S~bjection was fignified by a Kifs, as Gen. xli. 40. 1 Sam. x. I. I Kingsxix. I8. Hofea XIII, 2. A MILI'l' ARYCLAMOR, or the crying of a travailing Woinan, is attributed to God, Ifa.lxii. 13, 14. By which is noted that his Lenity, Patience, and long Forbearance, are changed 1nto a fevere Vengeance. Junius and 'I'remellius do remark from Vegetius, that the Roman Soldiers were wont in the Beginning of Battle to fall on with a horri– ble Clamor to daunt the Enemy. Alfo a travailing vVoman, though in great Pain, yet patiently endures it to the utmoll: Extremities of her Throws, and then being overcome by the Violence of her Gnef breaks out into Cries and Vociferation, which moll: elegantly :j: exprelfes the Pa– uence an_?. Forbearance of God, and the Extremity of his Wrath when provoked. See .f'fal.lxvlll. 65, 66. Rom. u. 4, S· • Ka1 ~~OXl'JVo t l;lomil. in Cant. Jerom. interpr. Tom. 4· fol. 8v. 't P~tlche~rimt di'tlhur ~a~~:eoOvJ41"1• et fuhfiqutntis <viJtdilJe gra'Vif/imte conditio txprimitur. p SPEAKING