Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part I. AN A N T H R 0 P 0 P A T H Y. 57 To LA!JOR is oppofed REST and Recreation, which by this Figure is attributed to God, Gen. ii. z. And God re.fted on the feventb Day from all his Work, which be had made-and Vnfe 3. And God blejfed the je-venth Day and fantlified it; becaufe that in it he had re.ftcd, &c. This Re.ft in God, prefuppofes no Wearinefs (as it does in Men) but the Compltating, End, and Perfection, of his admirable Work, of this great and in– comprehenfible Fabric, and fa only a Ceffation from his creating Work is to be uri– derftood. For among Men, the more arduous, laborious, and profitable the Work is, the more plcafing and delectable the Artificer's Reft is, when he compleats it. Some fay that the Word n.:llll Re.ft is properly attributed to God, which does nat fl:rictlt fionify Rert, as mJ does, but a bare and fimple Ceffation, as 'Jofh. v. 12. 'Job xxxii. 9· "Re-v. iv. 8, &c. And commonly it is faid, that he that ceafes from his Work, does Re.ft, although not weary, but in full Strength and Vigor. Be it fo, but for n:n11 the Word M1J is put for the very Re.ft here fpoken of, Exod. xx. 11. For in jix Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, and all that in them is, and re.fted the feventh Day, &c. And if the Word fignifies a meer Ceffation without any pre– vious Wearinefs, I Sam. xxv. 9· it is to be heedfully noted that it is faid, Exod. xxxi. I 7· For in jix Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, and on the feventh Day he*' re.fted, was refrejhed [or rook Breath;) which Word is alfoufed, Exod. xxiii. I2. Of the weary Servant after his Labor, viz. On the feventh Day fhalt thou re.ft, and 2 Sain. xvi. q .. le is exprefsly oppofed to vVearinefs. Siox and the Church is i:alled the Place of his Re.ft, Pfal. cxxxii. 14. and !fa. xi. IO. which denotes his gracious Prefence, Operation, and Complacency. Of thefpecial Atlions of Men, a great many are attributed to God, by which his va– rious Works of Grace, Righteoufnefs and Wrath are to beunderftood. As 1. H e is faid to wajh away Filth and Silz, when he gracioufly remits it, Pfal. li. 2. W a/h me thoroughly from mine hiquit)', and cleanfe me from my Sin. lfa. iv. 4· When the L ordjhall have wajhed away the Filth of the Daughter of Sion, &c. 2 . H e is faid to hide the Godly and Believers when he protects and defends therri, Pfal. xxxi. 20. Thoujhalt hide them in the Secret ofthy Prefence, Pfal. lxiv. 2. Hide me from theJecret Counfel of the Wicked, from the lnfurretlion of the Workers of Iniquity; Pfal. xci. 9· 3· H e is faid to WJPE when he deflroys, 2 Kings xxi. I 3· a Metaphor taken fronl: Difhes, which are wiped or made clean by rubbing with the Hands. He is faid to wipe away Tears from off their Faces, when he comforts and rejoices his People, lfd. xxv 8. Rev. vii. I 7· · 4· He is faid to gird with Strength when he comforts and fupports, as Pfal. xviii. 32. and XXX. I I, 12, 5· He is faid to Build when he produces a Being by Way of Creation, Gen. ii. 22,· And the Rib which the Lord God had taken from Man; builded he aWoman. See Exod. i. 21. 2 Sam. vii. IJ. 6. He is faid to bind up Wounds, when he fpiritually heals Men, arid fecures them from Mifchief, 'job v. r8. Pfal. cxlvii. 2, 3· !fa. lxi. r. Hofea vi, I. Come !et us return' unto the L ord for he bath torn and he will heal us, he bath/mitten, and he will bind us up. 7. He is faid to open the Gates of Heaven, when he beftows divine and miraculous Bleffings, Pfal lxxviii. 22, 23, 24. Though he had commanded the Clouds from above, and opened the Doo1·s of Heavm, and had rained down Manna upon them to eat, and had givm them of the Com of Heaven, &c. And alfo when he fends down Rain, Deut. xxviii. 12. He is faid to open the Door of Speech, when he affords a fit Occafion, and faving Means to his Minifters of preaching the Gofpel, I Cor. xvi. 9· 2 Cor. ii. I2. Col. iv. 3· To open the Door of Faith, when he calls and admits Men to the Faith and Communion of the Church, Ails xiv. 27. To open the Heart and Mind, when he gi~e> the faving Underftanding of his Word, Luke '!<Xiv. 45· Atls xvi. I4. Pfal. CXJX. 129, 130. 8: He is faid to hold the right Hand of Gyrus, when he gave him a profperOllS Succefs h1s warlike Expedition again1t Baby/on, !fa. xlv. I', * n:~~ .. 9· He