Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

1 95 3 has Paid, that great Indulgence, Leni- ty, andTendernefs, were ufed towards thole who could not perfuade themfelves to wear it. When a little Notice has been taken of the Difcipiine of the Church, all the Objeóions to the Eflablifhrnent, made by the Puritans, have been confi- der'd. That the Difcipline is not fo peyfed as good Men with it, and as the Bifhops frequently and earneftly endeavoured to render it, cannot be denied : But yet, let Churchwardens make honefl Prefentments, and Pa- rifhes, as they ought to do, ficpport their Officers in the Profecution of them, the Complaints of want of Dif- cipline will, in a great Meafure, be re- moved. As to the Geneva Model, the World has had pretty long Experience of it, without difcovering any Extra- ordinaryEffets to recommend it. Wick- ednefs prevails too much amongft Men of all Denominations, and under every Form of "Church Difcipline. But had thofe vehement Endeavours , which were ufed to introduce the Geneva Plan, been employed to;procure aForm more fuitable to the Conflitution, and more perfect than what we now have, great Service might have been done to Pra- lcal Religion. And yet, whatever Zeal