Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 102 fi/lent with civil Government of any Kind. Moreover, the very Maintenance of thefe Ruling Elders, in every Parifh, muff haveoccafoned no fmall Expence, efpecially as fo large an Allowance was alloted them, by their admired Leader Mr. Cartwright. 'Tis true, when they couldnot obtain fuchProvifion for them, they endeavoured to go on without it. But we are not conidering what Points they have been able to carry, but what via. scam ofthey really aimed at. This .Expence in a Speech inmaintaining their Ruling-Elders, was P`' rt. of accordin 1 made one Oblation to their Whogi Ap- pend . p. io9.Scheme in the Ho.ufe of Commons. But let us hear Mr. Cartwright in his Inter- pretation of that Pafiage of St. Paul. Tim. s.17.The Elders which rule well are wor- thy ofdouble .onoutr. " whereby, fays " he the Apoflle lignif es a plentiful " Reward, and fuch as may be fully " fì.. cient for them and their Houf " holds." The Government, however, did not think it fafe or prudent to dif- pleafe the People, by laying fo heavy a Tax upon them ; beides, had fuch a Confiftory been eflablifhed in every Pa- rifh, what Confufon and Di/order, conidering the different Sentiments of different Parifhes, muff .R have arifen thro' the Nation A Man that had been held in high Jeern with forne