Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

11 107 J (ties muff have arifen, if the Queen had thrown afide her Brother's Plan, and follow'd their Advice who were for introducing, as Mr. N. himfelf al-N,S Hiliory lows, the Service and Difcipline theyp. 137. had learned at Geneva ? How much more practicable and eafy was the Re- florationofthe Proteflant Religion, by re-e/lablifhing King Edward's Form, than if every Part of the Ecclefiafti -- cal Conflitution, the DoEtrine, Wor- fhip and Difcipline of the Church had been to be re-examined, debated, and particularly fettled ? How difficult and tedious, if not impra&icable a Work had this been ? In the mean time, the People muff have continued under a Popifh Worfhip, which was then ella- bliihed, 'till the Legiflature had decid- ed all thefe intricate Points ; whereas, by fixing upon King Edward's Refor- mation, the Bufinefs, by the divine Bleffing, was fpeedily and effectually done Be it enatied, that jeen i Eliz. cap. a. Mary's Statute of Repeal, and every thing therein contain'd, be made void, and of none EleEl at once finifhed this great and glorious Work. 'Tis impofíible, upon this Occafion, to do Juftice to the Wifdom, Courage and Piety of this Proteftant Princefs, with- out placing her Opponents in a difadvan- tageous