Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 116 J " felf) Dumb Minifter (no not Dumb " `fohn of London himfelf) Non-Re- " fïdent, Archdeacon, Abby Lubber, or any fuch Loyterer, tolerated in " our Miniftry. " The .Holy Difcipline of the Church, defcribed in the Word of God, anciently contended for, anal, as far as the Times would Puffer, pradifed by the firft Non- conformifts, in the Days of Queen Eli- zabeth, was printed byAuthority in the Year r 644.'Twas fail to be found in the Study of that móß accomplifh'd Divine (as he is there called) Mr. Thomas N'. Hirt. Cartwright. Mr. N. tells us, " This P. 449 " Book was in high Efleem among the cc Puritans; that it was drawn up in " Latin by Mr. Travers, and printed " at Geneva : But, fence that time, " had been diligently review' d, car- cc rested and perfected, by Mr. Cart- " wright (who tranflated it) and other " learned Miniflers at their Synods ; " That it contains the Subflance of " thofe Alterations in Difcipline that " the Puritans of thofe Times contend- " ed for; and was fubfcribed by the " Brethren hereafter named, as agree- " able to the Word of God, and to be " promoted by all lawful Means, that " it may be eftablifhed by the Autbori- "` ty of the Illagiílrate and of the " Church."