Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

c I1S i Church againft all the Lutheran Pro- teflants, as well as thofe that approved King Edward's Reformation ? Thus much they propofed when they were deftitute of Power. If a Minority, a Small Flock, as they call themfelves, could move for fuch a Law, and talk of enforcing it by 'harp waifmeats, it was an Aó of Goodnefs, as well as Wifdom, in the Government, not to comply with their Requeft, or put the Weapons of Authority into fuch Hands. But this Subfcription did not content them ; farther Care was to be taken, that a Minifter fhould never change his Mind, without violating his Promife® The fame Holy Difcipline enjoins ; Ibid. 6 í r " Let him be demanded, whether he " will be ftudious and careful to main- " tain and preferve wholefomDoE-trine " and Ecclefiaftical Difcipline. Thus " let the Minifter be examined, not only by one Elderfhip, but alfo by " forne greater Meeting and Affembly." Still all this is not fufficient to fatisfy thofe flrici Ca/vinyls ; no Declaration of a Man's prefent Faith, or Promife for the future, will do: That noother pro- teflant might ever be admitted into the Church, they had a farther Contri- vance ; a flric`t Enquiry was to be made into hisformer Opinions, his very Study, in