C =3oß took their Occafions to [peak freely " their Minds in the Pulpits." It was not therefore the Preaching of the Re- form'd that occafion'd this Prohibition. cc Now alfo, but efpecially a while of " ter (lays Strype, in thenext !'age) " when the Parliament came together, " and, by their Authority, a common `` FormofPrayers, in thevulgarTongue, cc was like to be brought in, inftead of the old Mafs, the Popifh Priefts that " couldpreachbeftirr'd themfelvesevery " where in the Churches, to prejudice " the People againft receiving of it." P. 6. Mr. N. had afferted in his Preface That the Queen having conceived a " ftrong Averfion to thefe People (the Puritans) pointed all her Artillery " againft them." Hence it became ne- ceflary to reprefent every Penal Law, and every Rejiraint as defign'd to af- feí them, when in Truth the chief In- tention was to fupport the Proteflant Religion, and for that End to fupprefs the daring Infolence of Papifis, equal Enemies to the eftablifh'dReligion and eftablifh'd Government. The Hiftory and Tranfaions of the Times will ac- count both for the enating of penal Laws, and putting them in Execution. As for the moderate and peaceable NonconformiLts, they were not only treated