Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

E =34 J rä&ers, and the Confdrthifts of very bad ones. Bút to go on, here we fee above five huMred Puritans, not only Bene- fited, but licenfed to preach! What a fubffantiäl Proof is this of the great Lenity of the Archbifhops and Bifhops, êfpecially as it appears, that among thefe Beneficed and .Licènfed Puritans, iiié find all their great Leaders; Mr. C rtwrights Travers, Field, Snape, ohn%Óii, Spq °ks, Cäwdrey, ¶Payz e, Wale, &c. about fiftyof whom Mr. N. has particularly enumerated ? What ñó* Mull the Reader think of this entlen an's heavy Complaints of fe- vere Ufage, the 'Deprivation and fi- léncing of tizcfe very Perfons, who, by hä s cwsi Account, Were all Beneficed and preaching in the Church ? Here is One ìrx pbttant Evidence in favour of Queen Elizabeth and the Bifhops. There are many other confiderable TeffiMoniek on the f i neSide. Sir Fran -: cis Walfnghar is, by Mr. £ teckon'd among the Friends of the Puritans, and jbiri'd with the Earl of Leicefler, the Chainpion and Supporter of their Caufe. Mr. Fuller gives this Charaóer of hilt. Aíñongft all the Favourers of the Presbyterians, furely Honef y and " Wifdó.m never met more in any than " in Sir Francis Walfingham, of whom cc it