r15í upon the Peculiarity of their own Way of thinking. The Queflion, therefore, is ; Was King Edward's Reformation, as re-eftablifhed by Queen Elizabeth, more proper and comprehenfive than the Geneva Platform ? Was it better ac- commodated to take in the Generality of the Nation, and unite Proteflants If fo, the Exclufion of thofe who were unalterably attach'd to another Form, was an Effe& that neceffarily followed the Elablifhriient of the better Plan. Let the Cafe be Elated as on the other Side ; Had the Calviniftic Platform been eftablifh'd, and thereby the whole Body of Lutherans, Epijcopalians, &c. excluded from all Preferment in the Church, what would the Patrons of that Scheme have faid, but that the Exclufion of the Lutherans, &c. was only to be charged upon themfelves, for not complying with their Geneva Scheme ? The Reader will judge after what has been faid, whether this Rea- foning holds, as to the Exclufion of thofe of the firiEter Sort, who would not comply with the Terms of Con- formity. Thefe Exclufions mutt hap- pen in all Countries, while Mankind think differently ; but can only be charged upon the Legiiïature, when they neglect the moll catholick Scheme, L 4 and