ti66j " fame the Multitude withal again§ " thofe who lived under Order and Obedience." The fame candid Hi- florian in °orms us, " That had it not " been for the great Di/lurbances in the church, occafioned by thefe 1 a- " rieties, and the common Omion of what was prefcribed by the Queen's " Injunótions, and for the rude and in- " fblent Behaviour of fome who refuted " the Habits, towards thole that quiet- " ly ufed them, and conformed them- pelves to Orders, probably the urging of them fo ftri&lyafterwards, would " not have been. And had the fcrup- ling Brethren peaceably and filently " ufed their Liberty, in the Omitfion " of fame few Things, which their `` Confciences fcrupled, : it might not " have been with fuch Rigour after- " wards rellrain'd ; for hitherto (I 564) as far as I find, they were indulged " and connived at by the . /hops, " &c. Thefe Pratices, therefore, " being fo contrary to the Queen's In- " junc}ions, fet out in the Year 1559, " and begetting fo much Diféntion, ¶DiJerence, and Diforder, among " Chriftians of the fame Profeffion, -re- " Bounding fo much to the 3ifparage- " ment of the reform'dReligion among " the Enemies thereof the Qteëri " directed