Y 7o " Law." In íhort, his Charaher is drawn almoJt as black as Queen Eliza- N's Hií;ory beth's, " who, 'tis faid, being of Opi- p° 6o2. " Ilion, that all Methods of Severity "` were lawful to bring her Subjeäs to an outward Uniformity, countenan- " ced all the Engines of Perfecution--- " and firetch'd her Prerogative to fup- " port them beyond the Laws, againft cc the Senfe of the Nation." It may not be improper to mention a Letter of Lifeof Parker the Archbithop's infavour of Mr. Samp- p. 186. &c. fon, a very noted Puritan; in this we !hall fee the Maxims upon which his Grace proceeded, That he thought reafònable and quiet Men, who acted from a Principle of Confcience, ought to have fome Favourfhew'd them, even though this Indulgence were abufed by others, lefs rational and more trouble- fome. " Which Favour thew'd, if it " thould be abufed by theWilfulnefs of fome fond Heads, yet God's Caufe " in reafonable Men may be pitied." The Archbifhop had obtain'd fome Fa- vour for Mr. Samp on at Chrift-Church, where he had been Dean, upon which he made a fecond Requeft by the fol- lowing Letter. " Reverendifine S. My humble " Thanks to your Grace premis'd. By `` thefe Letters inclofed yourfavourable " recom-